Vulnerable Mind


Have you ever had an itch that you just can’t scratch?
Like my own psychological plaster cast,
Or have you faked a smile behind which envy hides,
I’ve “always been the bridesmaid – never been the bride”

Have you ever lost a friend in a fight?
I’ve had to apologise even though I was right,
Or have you seen the effects of an addiction?
First hand – herbal, man made & prescription

Have you ever hurt when a loved one dies?
I crave their smile, their smell, their eyes…
An unparalleled pain can’t be described,
Imprisoned as a parent who outlived their child

I believed in God until I questioned why,
Now I fear the facts might in fact be lies,
So I’m walking a tunnel that has no light,
On a tour of life without a guide in sight

Although for most, I’m sure you find,
amongst your friends, you all confide,
talking through your daily grind,
discuss emotions but maintain pride

You say that its normal – but it’s not to me,
I ignored the warnings, I was young & naïve,
I stupidly wore my heart on my sleeve,
but all people did was lie and deceive

The people I picked to place faith in,
Were wolves all dressed in sheep’s clothing,
Now my foundations have cracked, and its trust that I lack,
For every step forward, there’s been 2 more steps back

So from now on decisions that I’m asked to make,
No matter; who, where, why, when or what’s at stake,
For fear of repeating the same mistakes,
the panic it comes with I here now forsake!

Despite all my effort and your increasing pressure
The strength that it takes evades what I measure!
You may say that I’m lazy, and I lack motivation
But walk a mile in my shoes
It’s self preservation

© The Piss Poor Poet 2019

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Article by Piss Poor Poet
Im a 32 yr old man, and father to 3 children from South Wales. I’ve lived with Mental Health since leaving home and becoming homeless at a young age. After struggling with unhealthy coping mechanisms for years, about 3 months ago, i started writing as a way of trying to process and understand my own thoughts a bit more. Now I’ve started to share my poetry in the hope it can give other people an insight to what it can be like to suffer with mental health issues and break the stigma, while also helping to shine a light on it and ensure more people feel able to talk openly about mental health in all its forms.