

I meditate in the mornings on a tree outside my bedroom window.
I see sometimes one or two birds, magpies or blackbirds perched on the branches
All the branches twiggling out from one hoof thick log, a fine strong one for children
To climb up on.

I look inward, feel my breath expand in my lungs
The capillaries and air sacs serving the dual function in me as the tree for the environment.

I and nature
We are one

The magpie and blackbird sit and chat their love songs for a while
The same neurons in my heart sing loves songs to my mind’s eye when I am at rest

Joyce once said imagination is memory

The ancient walls inside my heart only hold love. All the darkness lives outside the walls of these great big chambers. No darkness can seep in.
Only light can move inwards and outwards.
The darkness is the false illusion
It lies to us
Capitalising on our fears.

The bog can heal all trembling thoughts
I went there and sat alone in the summer sun
No one around
Let my hands kiss the soil and purify my skin
The air there felt more powerful
Like an fairy stood guard over all the flora
Waiting for the busy drunken city buff to return
With shovel and shirt and sweat.
And yet
the wild mushrooms tilt jovially undisturbed by horse-shoes
Since eternity
The land has been forgotten.
How much our skilled labourers sit now ghost-like on empty park-benches.
Renewal awaits.

I and nature
We are one

The cliffs are there to remind us to turn backwards and bounce the path over the drumlins and eskers, the ancient pathways. No need to go further, just change course.

To mosey along is a nice way to travel.

Simple slender silhouettes trail the corners of  walkway bushes
I love their faces and smiles as they go briskly and natter.

I dream of a day where the wells of Ireland are reawoken.
That pure water
ready for the family to drink from.
The milkman comes with real clinking glass
Bicycles cycle by
Neighbours chat and children play cowboys and Indians

Who are we now Ireland?
Where are we going?
Turn off your wifi
Simplify your lifestyle
Give eye contact
Have conversations
Awaken the oral energetic vibrations
Be real.

Take off your Goddamn beats!

Support Our Campaign

We rely on the generosity of the public to fund our work and so far together we have achieved great things! Please do continue to support us so we can provide future generations in Ireland with the resources to recognise and talk about their emotions, and equip them to navigate the ever-changing world around them as they grow


Article by Portia Poppet
No bio available.