We all have a story to share

No matter what point we are in our lives, I believe there is a story inside each of us that can inspire another.

The most popular episodes on my podcast – Talk About It – are not of those who are industry professionals, or well-known celebrities. The best episodes come from the people who have decided to share their story and tell it as it is.

The thing with mental health is that it impacts everyone. It doesn’t skip a generation. We must look after our wellbeing like we look after our organs in the body. Regardless of age, gender or religion, it is something that unites us all.

When I was asked why I didn’t have industry professionals (psychologists and doctors) on my podcast, I told them you could hear their advice on any other podcast. I started my podcast for teens and young adults to listen and talk openly about who they are and what they go through.

Listening and talking to one another was a way that I saw these stereotypes and walls being broken down. We needed to be there for one another.

As humans, we are social creatures. We live off social interaction. We learn through one another. Talking is part of our nature. As media becomes ever popular, we talk less.

Stand in a queue, run onto the Luas or walk down the street…no-one speaks to each other. Social media has stripped us of face-to-face conversations. In fact, everyone has earphones in. They experience the now together, but are not present in the moment of what is happening around them.

The media is infatuated with stories that are re-told, re-printed and re-purposed for the sake of popularity and money making.

People say an amazing story only comes around once in a blue moon, but is that true?

We all have a story to tell. Maybe we’ve just been silenced by fear and social media.

Some of my favourite memories and moments in life involve people I’ve only met once and may possibly never meet again. I’ve gained some of my greatest insights into life by interacting with strangers instead of staring at my phone. People have stories to tell.

The woman who served you coffee today just got her dream role in a film. The old man you sat next to on the train is visiting his grandchildren, when he was once told he wouldn’t have children himself. The man you passed in the store never had a home growing up and just secured the mortgage of his dream house. The mother in the window of her car is teaching her daughter that her body is beautiful, while still learning it herself.

The beauty of life isn’t always telling the story you think people want to hear but finding a story you know someone will need to hear and saying that instead.

Who knows? Having the courage to share your story may inspire someone to share their own. And so, the story goes.

We all have a story to share. Why not start by sharing yours?

Support Our Campaign

We rely on the generosity of the public to fund our work and so far together we have achieved great things! Please do continue to support us so we can provide future generations in Ireland with the resources to recognise and talk about their emotions, and equip them to navigate the ever-changing world around them as they grow


Article by Amelhyne O'Regan-Farineau
Amelhyne (a-mel-lean) is an 18 year old writer, podcaster and filmmaker from Co. Mayo. She is currently studying Film & Broadcasting in TUD. She aims to destigmatize mental health through her podcast 'Talk About It' and writings.