This is mental health


Maria Lynn @Pinch_of_pos is a student paediatric nurse who is passionate about lifting the stigma around mental health. She has created this video to bring people together in a hope that others realise that they are not alone.

Speaking about the video, Maria said:

“With over 90 people involved in its creation from family to friends to people I’ve never met, I think we have all made something really very beautiful and meaningful. How magical it is to see the merging of people, coming together to produce a very real and raw reflection of each of us just getting through the day as best as we can. I’m not afraid to say I’m proud of what we have created because this is life – the moments of laughter with friends, of tears on the bad days, of dancing without a care, of having a cup of tea,  of cuddling your dog, of enjoying being outside in the sunshine – these are the simple moments of living and being alive and feeling everything and anything, both the good and the bad. And it’s breathtakingly beautiful.

Mental health is a fundamental part of all of us and it’s something that’s usually neglected and brushed under the rug or tucked away in a corner out of fear of judgement or simply due to the busyness of living in this world. But the sooner that we understand it’s importance and accept and welcome the idea that we all have our demons and difficulties, the sooner we can set ourselves free and feel that small bit lighter, releasing the weight of all we’ve suppressed and been carrying around for so long on our own. Life is hard enough but it’s even harder having to go through it in isolation. So connect to those people around you and allow all parts of what it means to be you to be seen.

A massive thank you to everyone who took part in this collaboration project. Even if it brings one individual a sense of comfort or that push they needed to open up well then I think it has been extremely worthwhile. Because no one is ever EVER truly alone, even if your mind has utterly convinced you otherwise.”

Music – ‘Woes’ by Tom Rosenthal

Watch the video:

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Article by Maria Lynn
My name is Maria and I’m a student paediatric nurse whose has battled with mental illness for years from anxiety and depression to an eating disorder. I am extremely passionate about lifting the stigma surrounding mental health and so I set up a page on Instagram called @Pinch_of_pos to talk about real things. For the longest time I felt very alone, but the thing is you are never alone. And I want everyone to realise that.