My Pieta House Journey


I began my journey with Pieta House during the Autumn of 2016. I had heard of their amazing  work over the years previous, but like most people with mental health disorders I never thought I was worthy of their support. My GP at the time recommended that I give them a call to see if they could help me overcome my self harm and fear of living.

To sum up what Pieta House do for people like me who need support and light, then please Imagine one day you wake up and you feel lost in life, afraid to move or simply exist.

There’s no light to be found, and although you look – and I mean truly look – the light switch seems to be invisible. Then you see this glimmer of light in the distance… and for once you feel like somebody cares enough to help you. As the light gets closer you realise it is Pieta House.

When they arrive, they tell you that you are going to be ok. That right now life feels empty and terrifying but from this point on you are no longer alone. They tell you that they are going to walk by your side through that dark tunnel of depression, anxiety, self-harm, suicide and mental health. They will be right by your side holding the light that will guide you out of this dark place.

Along the way they will pick you up when you fall, encourage you to keep going and remind you that you are worthy to be a part of this world. Once  you’re ready they will pass that light to you and let you continue holding it as you walk through the tunnel, because you’re stronger now. They will still stay by your side but instead of you turning to them for guidance you begin to turn to yourself… reminding you that  now your own light is more powerful than any darkness.

Don’t get me wrong… I had my doubts, as I had attended private therapy the previous Spring  but did not benefit from it. In my opinion therapy is about connection with the therapist. If you don’t connect with your therapist, then it’s less likely you will feel ready to open up. Unfortunately that was the case and as a result my mental well-being began to decline once again.

As a result I made the decision to ring Pieta House because at that point I didn’t have much to lose and I wanted to feel normal again just like my peers and begin living my life… without feeling trapped in my own mind.

The phone call was a bit of a blur, but I felt this release of loneliness immediately. I knew that if I felt that little bit better from a simple call, there was a reason for me to be hopeful. Within a week I was given my assessment appointment which roughly lasted twenty minutes. From there we discussed what therapist would be suitable, and before I knew it I no longer felt alone.

Each session was open to any topic and my therapist always dedicated the time we spent in helping me overcome the voices living inside of my head and the hopelessness I felt towards the world around me. She became a person that believed in me and encouraged me to not let the voices win. I felt completely safe from the moment I walked through the doors of Pieta House.

In total you are given an initial fifteen sessions. For the first three weeks you have two sessions per week and then one session a week after that. But if you or your therapist feel you need extra time you will be given additional sessions. Each session roughly last fifty minutes.

In my opinion Pieta House it’s a safe place. There is no judgement, stigma or ignorance towards mental health, suicide and self-harm. Before each session I was always greeted with a smile and a cup of tea. It was those small things that made my experience at Pieta House unique.

Pieta House gave me enough courage to push through a time in which living was my greatest fear. A place that believed in me and walked by my side through the darkest of tunnels. They saw the fight in me when medical professionals failed to.

My journey with Pieta House continued after I left as they checked in with me via text message and I also received a letter to see how I was doing.

I’m proud to say I’ve been one of the thousands who walked through the doors of Pieta House and survived and will forever be grateful to the whole team for their continued support.

So if you’re reading this right now and you are struggling and feel like you’re Light has gone out. Pick up the phone and ring Pieta House (1800 247 247) because they will be on the other end of the line reassuring you that you will be ok. They changed my life and they will do it for you too. So please get the help you deserve and begin you’re journey on the road to recovery. And there is no better road trip companion than Pieta House. You’re worthy of their support. You don’t need to feel alone or afraid anymore. Sending you lots of good energy and bright light.

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Article by Amy Judge
Now that I’m twenty two years old. I’ve come to the conclusion that life is not as black and white as I once thought. In fact there are so many colours that brighten up the world we live in. Adding character, personality and individuality. I enjoy taking topics and turning them into stories that can hopefully uplift at least once person. For more blog posts check my Instagram @amyjudgeh where I share a mixture of blogs and my own photography.