Hiking and dreaming


Last night I dreamt of a horseman speeding past me.
He collected a dead woman’s body of the left hand side of the road.
I chased him with my pitchfork in my left hand
Down a very straight dark road with the tallest trees to the right
Moonlit and cold.
I woke from my dream wondering what that was and slept with the light on then.

It was my birthday yesterday.
I hiked up Knocknarea with my friend to see Queen Maeve.
I took out rose quartz
Placed it in my friend’s hand and said a prayer for her for the year ahead and life in general.
She returned the same for me.
We were quiet for a few moments.

Then as we trailed back down from the summit.
She enlightened me of a dream she had of a friend of ours who had passed away some years previous.
He was telephoning her and she was too afraid to answer. Some of our other friends were in the dream.
I stopped in my tracks.
I had dreamt of him too.
I asked him what his message was and he was just popping in to say hello and tell my brother that he loved us all.

The spirit world is always close at hand especially when the veils between this world and that are thin.

Interesting how we have had the full moons, eclipses and brisk cold nights of late.

Ireland, is it time to reimagine our future? Would crime in this country decrease when opportunities are allowed into our public system for exploration of the human condition; starting with understanding our hearts, our energies, our ancient history, our third eyes?
Maybe then, a more loving and less fearful knowledge can be shared of the power of our subconscious, the role we each personally play in communicating wisely to each other and the important responsibility we have to feeding conscious awakening that is needed now more than ever in Ireland and society as a whole. If we could teach the importance of moon cycles at school then wouldn’t be all be in a better place in understanding how to weave social fabric together and creating positive bonding for all of our life experiences, including the non-ordinary. We need to continue to remove stigma and be positive torchbearers in this integration process.

It is believed that in the Shamanic ancient traditions sacrifices were made with King’s who died. The subconscious has no morality only symbolism. Therefore we are never to act upon the sacred knowledge bestowed upon us but only use it to compete against our own individual egos so that we can live virtuously each day in this physical world with honour.

I hope that a new period awakens in my life soon and opportunity to contribute to the working world and society beckons. I pray for a liberal democracy here in Ireland that enriches the divine feminine and puts policy into action allowing mother earth to heal. Power to the people.

This time last year I met a ninety year old walker going up Diamond Hill in Galway. I asked what he secret was and he revealed it was going on his own path in life to the pace of his own calm breath and not that of anyone else’s.

Portia Poppet x

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Article by Portia Poppet
No bio available.