

If it is true, it should shout louder, yes?

If it is false, to move towards it is to push against a wall?

Guidelines for life when making decisions?

Well I guess I am playing that out at the moment. Currently I feel that I am in the middle of a great change, like the movement of tectonic plates…… a lot of pressure, a lot of heat, a change in state of certain matter, evolution and repurposing. They say that crystals are formed with great heat or pressure. But I don’t want to elevate this to a shiny process, the reality is what was there before was functional and what is to come is functional. Yes, it is exciting to create or destroy ground but the crystal is not the point. The beauty is in the mundane, the green grass that now grows on fertile soil, the mountains that divide the sunrise, the fresh wind that sweeps across the land as the ecosystem catches up with what has happened. Everything we need is there. I liken this to us as beings, we spend our whole lives looking for the crystals and miss harvesting the ground that is already there, turning over the sods to get the soil ready for the new seasons planting.

What do we do while this enormous shift is in play? Can we encourage it in a certain direction? Mmmmm, you try stopping plates from moving!! Often the processes we undergo as humans can be reflected in nature. Can you outsmart the shift, can you run ahead to see what the end result is so you can be prepared? I’m afraid not, it is a slow, purposeful, sometimes painful, sometimes overwhelming, sometimes exciting, unfolding of events. So what can you do? You can be open, you can learn to stand on shaky ground in the knowledge that this will not last forever. Do not wish it to speed up for the rate of change is the rate of change and trying to change that will cause suffering. Bring a gentleness to your experience for you are the person that will remain at the end of the process and it would be nice to be on good terms with her. Sleep, pay attention in your every day and try to bring a soft, kindly curiosity to the waves that are making you feel unsteady. Talk to others, you will find that you are not alone. Others may not have the vocabulary to bring to life what is true for them, you may help them by being open about your experience.

It isn’t easy, its scary as hell, but we are part of nature, of course there is going to be rumblings and change, and God, what a beautiful thing that is.

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Article by Aeveen Kirby
Originally from Kilkenny, Aeveen moved to Sydney in 2012. She feels it is important that we try to share our experiences when we can.