Get in the picture


Research shows that 91% of women are unhappy with their bodies, 70% of whom admit to withdrawing from activities as a consequence. One of the activities I was determined to put an end to was opting out of photographs and erasing our history.

I am Sharon Huggard a Style and Body Confidence Coach and founder of #getinthepicture campaign. I spent decades defining my self-worth by the number on the scales and I am declaring ‘enough is enough’.

We can’t keep deferring our life until we weigh X, look like Y, fit into size Z. My mission is to separate one’s self-worth and value from body size and weight.

My own hang-ups date back to my teenage years. A memory that is emblazoned in my mind is when, on a shoppy trip with friends, we were conditioned to buy a certain size of Levi’s 501 and I didn’t fit the desired waist size. I had to buy a size up and it was a defining moment for me. I felt ashamed, embarrassed not worthy as I was. When there was less of me I would be worthy and deserving . And that continued into my life until I trained as a QTT (Quantum Thinking Transformations) Practitioner and I found freedom from these limiting beliefs as they were not serving me. I now help women find their freedom.

In a recent poll on my social media account, 85% of women who responded cited body image as their biggest impediment to joy and happiness. That was a real eye-opener for me. So many women holding themselves back, opting out of social occasions, abstaining from the family photos, due to poor body image and lack of confidence. There was one particular story that sticks with me. A woman shared with me that she did not have a professional photograph of her year as President in an organisation, as she felt she wasn’t worthy due to her weight, which had increased over covid. What I could see before me was a successful woman with a highly prestigious role. But she didn’t see the same thing. That gave me goosebumps.

There have been hundreds of similar client stories of women hiding and holding themselves back as they were measuring their self-worth on the scales and regrets of not taking their kids swimming, to the beach, or getting into pictures with them instead opting to take the photograph.

Many of us can relate to the dreaded group photo with competing cries of ‘I’ll take it’. If you are not the quickest off the mark and end up in the photo your first priority is inevitably to zoom in to see how you look. We don’t look at ourselves objectively. We are looking for perceived flaws and filter our views through past experiences, cemented beliefs and limiting thoughts.

That is when the idea of #getinthepicture was born.  My challenge to the women of Ireland was to enjoy and capture the imperfect moments as well as the curated ones that would someday be precious memories for over loved ones, who would not care if our eyes were closed, if it was our good side, if we were sucking in or if our heads were thrown back in joyous laughter. After all, it was the memories that were being captured.

I think of the legacy we are leaving our children and that is a huge responsibility and driving motivation for me in my business.

Social media plays a huge role in modern kids’ lives and they are being exposed to a glut of diet posts, body shamers, ads for the most effective weight loss programme etc. They are being continuously conditioned to look a certain way.  The cult of perfectionism reigns supreme for both adults and kids alike. Social media has altered the way in which we engage with photos. Few memories are being created in photos now. Many photos are selfies that are filtered, contrived, managed.

My mission is to separate one’s self worth and value from body size and weight.

We can’t keep deferring our happiness until our weight is perfect.

We cannot continue to perpetuate those hang ups and impose them on the next generation.

When we know better, we need to do better.  My call is ‘enough is enough’. Let’s show our kids the way forward by leading by example.

My challenge to the women of Ireland to Get In the Picture on National Photography Day, Friday August 19th 2022 was a resounding success with hundreds of women nationally and internationally stepping out from behind the camera from Leap to Los Angeles, Newtownmount Kennedy to New Zealand, Ballinrobe to Bali, Strokestown to Singapore.

Many of them shared profoundly moving stories as to why they had been hiding,  not only behind the camera but in their lives as well.  They shared what it was costing them personally and professionally.  The photos that brought tears to my eyes were the ones with their sons and daughters as I believe when we start to accept ourselves as we are it will send a powerful message and positively impact our children. They are watching, looking for guidance so let’s lead the way.

There was a real sense that we were on the cusp of making a real impact and that a movement was being created.

My next challenge is to #getinthepicture on National Body Confidence Day Monday 17th October 2022 with a sign saying ‘I AM…’ and then you fill in a positive affirmation that resonates with you.

Mine is…I AM ENOUGH.

So are you.


Support Our Campaign

We rely on the generosity of the public to fund our work and so far together we have achieved great things! Please do continue to support us so we can provide future generations in Ireland with the resources to recognise and talk about their emotions, and equip them to navigate the ever-changing world around them as they grow


Article by Sharon Huggard
I am Sharon Huggard a Style and Body Confidence Coach and founder of #getinthepicture campaign. I spent decades defining my self-worth by the number on the scales and I am declaring ‘enough is enough’.