One of the areas that people find most comforting and supportive are the sometimes harrowing but often inspiring personal stories that our readers email in to us. On the one hand it is great to have professional opinions and information on certain areas, but sometimes people find great solace in relating to a real life story and the experiences of others. There is so much power in an authentic and sincere personal story that can’t be replicated by medical or professional language. They can allow us to realise that although we are all individuals, we often face common challenges. These personal stories are the central nervous system of this website. They highlight the very real implications of everyday life, how sometimes it can get on top of us, but also how we can learn to cope and triumph, and see how incredible humans can really be. Would you like to share your story?

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A Lust For Life | Mental Health Charity Ireland
A Lust for Life does not provide crisis support, so if you or someone you are concerned about is in crisis and needs help urgently, please contact:
Pieta House
1800 247 247
116 123 (ROI & UK)
1800 666666
A Lust For Life | Mental Health Charity Ireland
A Lust for Life does not provide crisis support, so if you or someone you are concerned about is in crisis and needs help urgently, please contact
Pieta House
1800 247 247
116 123 (ROI & UK)
1800 666666
Howaya! We hope you’re enjoying A Lust for Life.
While you are here… can we ask you a favour?
We know, pop ups are absolutely no craic. But seeing as you are here anyway, which means you must be a sound head, we thought we’d tap you on the shoulder and ask for your help.
Make a one-time or regular donation
We rely on the generosity of the public to fund our work and so far together we have achieved great things! Please do continue to support us so we can provide future generations in Ireland with the resources to recognise and talk about their emotions, and equip them to navigate the ever-changing world around them as they grow.
Howaya! We hope you’re enjoying A Lust for Life. While you are here… can we ask you a favour?
We know, we know, pop ups are absolutely no craic. But seeing as you are here anyway, which means you must be a sound head, we thought we’d tap you on the shoulder and ask for your help
We rely on the generosity of the public to fund our work and so far together we have achieved great things! Please do continue to support us so we can provide future generations in Ireland with the resources to recognise and talk about their emotions, and equip them to navigate the ever-changing world around them as they grow
Make a one-time or regular donation