Spoken Word – ‘Prozac Positivity’

Here is a poem by Stephen James Smith, a Dublin poet and playwright, on his personal journey with his journey with medication for his mental health.

Original source is thespeakerscorner.co.uk

About Stephen:

Stephen James Smith is central to the rise of the vibrant spoken word genre in Ireland today.  Stephen is a founder of LINGO Festival (inaugural festival in 2014), Ireland’s only spoken word festival, and poetry curator of the annual First Fortnight Festival. His ABSOLUTE Dublin Fringe play Three Men Talking About Things They Kinda Know About (2011), co-written with Colm Keegan and Kalle Ryan, was shortlisted for the Bewley’s Little Gem Award.  Arise and Go!, his debut album with musician Enda Reilly, was selected by Hot Press as one of the best albums of 2011. His awards include Winner of the Cúirt International Literary Festival Poetry Grand Slam (2010). Stephen founded The Glór Sessions in 2009. This weekly poetry and music event ran for three years and is considered instrumental in establishing Ireland’s spoken word movement.

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Article by Stephen James Smith
Stephen James Smith is central to the rise of the vibrant spoken word genre in Ireland today. Stephen is a founder of LINGO Festival (inaugural festival in 2014), Ireland’s only spoken word festival, and poetry curator of the annual First Fortnight Festival.