Rise and shine morning yoga sequence – video


Set a good tone for the rest of your day by grounding your thoughts, stretching your body and breathing intentionally. It’s amazing what you can accomplish in less than ten minutes to kick start your day. Our morning routines can be taken over with busy houses, busy traffic and busy lives and so we lose out on taking a few moments to connect with ourselves and shake off any tight sluggish feelings. Instead we could wake up to feeling brighter, focused and having more energy.

This is a quick (under ten minutes) Yoga sequence for the morning. You can even do it in your pyjamas. Just take a moment to set up your space, take a couple of slow deep breaths and you can begin.

Cat/Cow Pose

Starting on all fours with your fingers spread wide, hands under your shoulders, feet and knees are hip width apart and you can tuck your toes in for more balance. You can use a blanket under your knees for extra support. We start with a neutral spine and on the inhale we drop the belly, arching the spine and look up to the ceiling. On the exhale we tuck the chin, rolling under as we round the spine up as high as it’s comfortable.

Try to synchronise your breath and movement in this pose. This will create emotional balance and allow you to feel relaxed and calm. Cat/Cow pose is great for stretching and strengthening our spines, we are also stretching out our hips, abdomen and back which feels great after lying down for so long.

Cat/Cow side to side

Staying in the same position, just send the weight over to the right side of the body, into the right shoulder and hip and take two breaths here. Then, round the spine and lift up and over to the left side and take two breaths here.

Bend the elbows, dip the chest down and come back over to the right side and keep the flow moving. Round the spine, lift up and over to the left and bend the elbows and dip down and back to the right side.  Keep moving the ribs around in a circle, getting a lovely stretch into the sides of the body.

Arm and leg balance

Staying in the same position, engage your core muscles. Make sure your fingers are wide and you are pressing into the hands and fingertips. On the inhale, lift the right arm and left leg and hold for five breaths and on the exhale bring them back down to the mat. Inhale the left arm up and the right leg back and hold for five breaths. Keep your gaze down at the mat. Exhale release back down to the mat.

This is a great exercise for balance and coordination and great for toning up the arms and legs.

Downward facing dog

Coming back to all fours, fingers spread wide and toes tucked in. Lift up and back into downward dog, lengthen your spine and send your hips back as far as you can. Bend the knees a little bit and maybe try to straighten the legs after a couple of breaths. Let the head drop down and gaze back in between the feet. You can keep up on your toes or bring your heels down to the ground. Stay for five breaths. Exhale and bring the knees to the mat. Come back into cat/cow pose for a couple of rounds.

This is an energising pose and it stretches out the shoulders, hamstrings and calves. It strengthens the arms and the legs.

Shoulder thread stretch

Starting from all fours, inhale as you extend your right arm up into the air. Look up to your right hand and exhale, bring in under your torso and stretch it out to the left side. Bring your right shoulder and ear to the mat and look out to your right hand. Stay here if your feel comfortable. To go a little bit deeper, lift the left hand up of the mat and wrap your left arm around your back towards the right leg, opening up the chest. Hold the pose for five breaths and do the same on the other side.

This pose will open up the shoulders, reliving tension and tightness in the shoulders.

Come back to all fours when you are ready and return to Cat/Cow pose for a couple of rounds. Then tuck the toes, and lift up and back into your downward facing dog pose. Stay for five breaths here, on the inhale try to come up to your toes and on the exhale try to bring your heels to the mat. Each breath will initiate each movement and on the final exhale, release the knees to the mat.

Child pose

Bring your feet together and your knees wide apart. Drop your torso down in between your thighs, let your belly drop and walk your hands forward. Let your head rest on the mat or if your head is far from the mat, bring a blanket under your head. Stay here for 5-10 breaths. Allow yourself to fully relax into the pose.

Childs pose is a relaxing nourishing pose that helps to gently stretch the hips, thighs, and ankles. It is also very calming for the brain.

After this sequence you will be ready for the day. You will feel fresh and invigorated. Taking a few minutes to practice yoga in the morning gives you the opportunity to breathe and allows you to set a positive healthy tone to your day. It will enhance your awareness of your thoughts and emotions while enabling you to react to daily challenges more effectively. Soon you will be jumping out of bed to get on the mat!

I’ve three upcoming events if you’d like to contact me for more information, email loveyogaclasses@gmail.com or contact me via Twitter @sineadloveyoga

  • Core Strength workshop in Galway on Sunday 10th April 10am-12pm to build strength physically and emotionally.
  • Free beach Yoga taster in Salthill, April 17th 12pm
  • Cleanse & Detox Workshop in Spiddal May 29th 10am-12pm

For more information go to loveyoga.eu

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Article by Sinéad McKiernan
Founder of Love Yoga and offers Hatha Yoga classes, retreats and workshops throughout Galway, Ireland, and internationally. She studied Yoga Teaching in India and welcomes all ages and levels to her classes. For more information go to loveyoga.eu or find her on Instagram @loveyoga.eu and Twitter @sineadloveyoga