Need Some Inspiration?

This video is profound and can be applied to so much in life. If you feel a little lost, not sure what to do, watch this video by Gareth Bowler and start running towards challenges rather than away.

“Inspiring, honest and brave. People need to see this.”

“Powerful and extremely moving.”

“The film holds the exact reasons for why I am overcoming years and years of serious clinical depression.”

“This is truly inspirational!”


“So emotional and so proud well done”

“Inspirational and outstanding. Take a look at this. 3 minutes 50 that you will treasure.”

“Very very special indeed.”

“I have a lump in my throat and goosebumps from head to toe.”

“This is the reason I think health and fitness is powerful as a change catalyst” – Ben Coomber Performance Nutritionist

“Really inspirational. What a story!” – Ali Jawad Paralympic World Champion Powerlifter

“At Addaction, we are serious about putting our service users in control of their lives. We want people to be inspired and motivated to achieve bigger and greater things in their own recovery. The film ‘Sober’ made by Gareth Bowler brilliantly conveys a message that recovery is an aspiration that can be achieved. The National Recovery Conference represents the beating heart of our organisation, and we are delighted to be able to feature this film at the event.” – David Badcock – Head of Recovery Engagement Addaction.

Support Our Campaign

We rely on the generosity of the public to fund our work and so far together we have achieved great things! Please do continue to support us so we can provide future generations in Ireland with the resources to recognise and talk about their emotions, and equip them to navigate the ever-changing world around them as they grow


Article by Niall Breslin
A retired professional rugby and inter county football player, a multi-platinum selling song writer and music producer, public speaker and documentary maker who comes from the midlands town of Mullingar in Co. Westmeath. Co-Founder of A Lust For Life.