Life is not a marathon, but a series of sprints

If everyday feels like an emergency you are most likely operating in the stress response. This response was designed to last for a short period of time only. When it becomes a daily mode of operating it can feel like you are running on empty, it can end in depletion, burn-out and dis-ease.

The good news is that you can counteract the stress response in body and mind, create ease, and experience deep restful sleep. It is not complicated, in fact simplicity is the key!  Calm can be experienced even in the midst of chaos, and you can wake up refreshed in the morning! Creating the habit of mindfulness is the way forward, corny and all as it sounds… need to remove the focus from the destination, be present for the journey and give yourself permission to take it one small step at a time!

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Article by Derval Dunford
No bio available.