If You Want To Recover From an Eating Disorder

What she said. If You Want To Recover from an Eating Disorder.

@BreakEdDownNow for #EatingDisorderAwarenessWeek #EDAW17 #BreakEdDown

Social media, self-esteem and Eating Disorders: a messy combination

During Eating Disorder Awareness Week there is a lot of focus on the eating disorder itself. Pieces on what’s it’s like to have one and helpful tips to aid recovery. This is all great.

I’m taking a different approach. Many pieces highlight the roles that self esteem and peer comparison play in eating disorders development. So I’m writing about the part social media plays in influencing self esteem and peer comparison. I’ll leave the connection between the three, to you.

Social Media can and does affect your mind and our mood. Fact. Don’t believe me? Give up social media for Lent and see how long you last before you turn into a grotty horror zombie or maybe you’ll feel ten times better.

When I was in secondary school, social media didn’t exist. I’m 28 now, my childhood was spent playing POGS or Red Rover and watching ‘The Fresh Prince of Bel Air’. I’ll be bold and say my formative years came free of the ways social media can hurt self-esteem. But by the time I was in college, Facebook was a big thing, and pretty quickly everyone had smart phones and there were too many social platforms to keep up with. Read more

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Article by A Lust For Life - Irish Mental Health Charity
A multi-award winning movement that uses content, campaigns and events to facilitate young people to be effective guardians of their own mind - and to be the leaders that drive our society towards a better future.