What I learned about alcohol-free-dom from the Happy Pear and Rich Roll

Andy after a 10k run with the Happy Pear and Rich Roll

Recently I was privileged enough to spend a week at the beautiful Ballyvolane House, Co. Cork with ‘The Happy Pear’ David and Stephen Flynn along with wellness legend Rich Roll.

Very quickly I uncovered that these uber fit and healthy wellness advocates shared something in common with me.

None of them drink alcohol.

But more interestingly – all of us reached the same conclusion, that our lives are so much richer and more vibrant without alcohol, in totally different ways.

The Happy Pear (David and Stephen Flynn)

The boys are in the exceptional alcohol-free category. They quit the booze when they were just 21, which is almost unheard of – especially in Ireland.

After committing to run the Dublin marathon, the boys found themselves with a month to go having completed zero preparation. They were 21 and like most Irish lads were out partying and drinking a lot. But In a panic they decided to go all in, for this last month. They would train hard and detox their bodies. Part of this detox involved taking a complete break from the booze.

A month later when the marathon came around they smashed it and not only this they felt good – really good. Their diet had improved and with the alcohol out of their systems they felt super healthy.

When they finally caught up with their old mates the pints were soon called but they were no longer interested. They had changed. They now knew how good it felt in their bodies and minds to be alcohol-free.

It takes a brave man or in this case men to say no to the usual social pressure. But the boys did. For them it was simple – the healthy, vibrant lives they were building had no place for hangovers and underperformance. So they made their excuses left the pint’s on the bar and that was it – their alcohol-free adventure was underway.

Soon after they headed off travelling in different directions and as only twins can do they both decided to become vegetarian. This started a love affair with food and healthy living.

On returning to home they shared the same mission – to start a healthy food revolution in Ireland.

With all the extra time and energy from avoiding hangovers, the boys have created ‘The Happy Pear’ empire. Their two, soon to be three, books are best sellers and their food is found all over the globe.

But the best part is that they have the best craic along the way. I would challenge anyone who believes the myth that you need alcohol to have fun to spend 5 seconds with these guys and still believe this to be true.

They are living the alcohol-free dream, surrounded by family, friends, bags of fun and healthy living.

Rich Roll

Rich took the classic route, if there is such a thing. His drinking spiralled out of control to the point that a rock bottom moment led him to change.

Before the booze Rich was an all star swimmer, gaining a place on the star studded Stanford swim team. This put him in the pool along side Olympic medalists. But as his swimming career stalled, his drinking career took off. That being said, like so many people, Rich was still able to excel at college and later in his job as a lawyer where he was earmarked for fast track partnership.

As his relationship with alcohol spiralled downwards Rich reached out for help. After several failed attempts at rehab, he hit a bottom, being prosecuted for DUI, this experience left him open to change and he rediscovered the AA.

Rich is very clear that the AA saved his life and everything he has today he owes to this movement. He still attends weekly meetings and he was kind enough to let me sit in on a meeting with him whilst in Ireland. Personally, this was a powerful experience as it was almost palpable how this brotherhood has changed his life.

** On this note although the AA was never on my radar I still have the utmost admiration for these wonderful men and women that support each other through their daily challenge. The work I now do through OYNB is firmly in the prevention space and not aimed at those who ‘might’ have ‘a problem’, however, we are all batting for the same team, just playing in different positions. Any individual, group or movement that is trying to help people change their relationship with alcohol is a wonderful thing and desperately needed – the world over.

Aged 40, sober but unfit, 50lbs overweight and unhealthy Rich decided that something had to change. So he started to run, a lot, and very quickly he lost weight, felt great, changed his diet and just kept running. This ignited his former passion for swimming and training. Over the next couple of years, he went from couch potato to ultra-man athlete. His book about this transformation ‘Finding Ultra’ is not only a magnificent read but helped inspire me towards a new alcohol-free healthy lifestyle. I owe Rich a lot.

Inspired, Rich then started the ‘Rich Roll’ podcast which is now the best in the land. If you take one thing away from this post – start to listen to the Rich Roll podcast – it’s a game changer. The guests and conversations are simply amazing. Many of the guests have helped shape my world.

** If you listen carefully to this episode – you will hear my dulcet tones about half way through!

Having spent time with Rich it is clear that his life is full of passion. He is doing what he loves and inspiring millions at the same time. He is great fun, loves a laugh and could not be happier. I am now lucky enough to call Rich a friend and mentor and he is someone I will always look up to.

My story

Unlike Rich, there was no rock bottom or any major “problem”. I just suspected alcohol was holding me back from being my best and I was right – it was.

I had a good job, lovely family and all those obvious trapping of success but something was missing. In terms of overall happiness I was a 6 out of 10 when I should have been an 8 or 9. I felt tired most of the time and my motivation was at an all time low. My dreams and goals were slipping through my fingers. I was unfit and really unhealthy.

So my mission was to be a better dad, better at my job, fitter, faster, healthier, leaner and happier.

But having tried every type of wellness trick from mindfulness to physical exercise, I could not make any healthy routine stick because a hangover or night on the sauce would scupper my plans.

Eventually I had to face the truth – it was time to take a break from the booze and see if this helped. But I found it really hard. The social pressure I had built up over the years, as the larger than life party guy, was immense. My rubber arm was continually twisted until one day I realised I needed an excuse to get people off my back. So I made up my own – the One Year No Beer challenge.

Most people love a challenge and giving up the booze for a year was a monster one. After several departures from the wagon and lot’s of learning, I eventually made it to 4 weeks and felt AMAZING. So I kept going. 4 weeks became 2 months and then 90 days and this is when everything changed.

Very quickly I started to get fit. Exercise routines were no longer interrupted by hangovers. Those cringe worthy calls to the personal trainer regarding a mystery bug I’d picked up the night before dried up. Combined with my newfound energy and vitality I was really training again. I started to notice the way certain foods made me feel lethargic and tired. Without the fog of hangovers, it was possible to tune into how my body was actually feeling, what nourished me with energy and what depleted this source. The combination of quality nutrition and exercise helped me lose weight: 3 stone (42lbs) in total, with body fat dropping from 30% to below 10% where it is today.

I went back to university to study part time, completing a degree and more recently a masters in positive psychology. During this time I trained in NLP becoming a master practitioner and mindfulness awareness coach.

Also, my relationships flourished both at home and in the boardroom. Business was booming, productivity was through the roof and I felt great – bloody great.

Inspired, I decided to team up with Ruari Fairbairns to try and help as many people as possible make this positive life change. So we created One Year No Beer a 28,90 and 365-day stigma-free, alcohol-free, fun challenge.

As I write this today I have been on this alcohol-free adventure for 3.5 years and it is still the best decision I have ever made!

The healthy take away

Hopefully, you can see the common thread. We all changed one habit and it unlocked our full potential. We are fit, healthy, thriving in our chosen professions and loving life. PLUS – we are all having a blast along the way.

This is the point – it does not matter how you get there, just so long as you get there and have a break from the booze. You might not want to give up forever and that’s totally cool – but aim to at least quit for long enough to experience all those amazing alcohol-free benefits that we have enjoyed over the years. Because once you do your relationship with alcohol will be transformed and, very often, your life in the process.

The truth is that the vast majority of us could all do with drinking less and rediscovering what it’s really like to feel truly healthy again. And if you want the promotion, the faster time, the better relationship, the healthier body, improved sleep or want to achieve something big then going alcohol-free is your best bet.

If these stories help inspired you to take a break then join me and take a 28, 90 or 365-day challenge. There is never a perfect time to transform your life – so make it happen today and sign up here.

Good luck on your alcohol-free adventures

Andy Ramage

PS – Keep your eye out for our book ‘The 28-day alcohol-free challenge.’ Published by Pan MacMillan – Bluebird: Release date December 28th.

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Article by Andy Ramage
In 2015 Andy co-founded the global lifestyle phenomenon OneYearNoBeer.com a 28,90 and 365-day alcohol-free challenge to help transform people's relationship with alcohol. His first book ‘The 28-day alcohol-free challenge’ is available now. Andy is also one of the world’s leading behavioural change & performance coaches. He specialises in working 1-2-1 with CEOs, business professionals, athletes, entrepreneurs, actors and influencers to transform their relationship with alcohol and in doing so powerup their health, careers and day to day lives. He is working towards a masters degree in positive psychology and coaching psychology and is a master practitioner of NLP, a mindfulness based awareness coach, a much sought-after speaker, author and podcaster. You can contact Andy at andy@oneyearnobeer.com.