We all have a basic need to be quiet, to be still, to be present – An interview with Sr. Stan

Photo credit: Derek Spiers

“I suppose I feel we all have to do our bit to create more positivity in society, and to be more positive in it. But one way to do that is through meditation. I certainly don’t think it’s the only way, but I think it’s a very real way of bringing peace into the world.” Sr. Stan

Sister Stanislaus Kennedy, otherwise affectionately known as Sister Stan, is one of Ireland’s most well-known and respected social visionaries. She is the founder of four leading Irish organisations: Focus Ireland, The Sanctuary, The Immigrant Council of Ireland, and Young Social Innovators.

Now in her late 70s, she has been a tireless voice for justice for over 50 years, as well as a major advocate for the benefits of mindfulness and meditation.

I interviewed her about her life, work and activism for my new Love and Courage podcast which you can listen to through the Soundcloud link below. Alternatively download the one hour interview through the podcast App on your iPhone, iPad or through iTunes, or through a Podcast App such as Podcast Addict on other smartphones. There is also a full transcript online here.

Excerpt from Sr. Stan interview: “It’s that a basic need, which I believe is in all of us, it’s that need to be quiet, to be still, to be present. And I do believe, people can build that practice into their lives, if people even did one minute, three or four times a day, and during that minute just breathed mindfully for one minute. And you could easily do it, because you can count how many breaths you take in a minute, and you can simply breathe mindfully for one minute. Do it four or five times a day – and if you did it five times a day it would only be five minutes. That could transform people’s lives – I’m certain. It’s a very simple practice but people don’t do it. And if people did it, it would really affect everything they do. It’s easy to do it, for example, before you start something new, before you move to something new – that transition could be just a mindful minute. And it’s building those kind of mindful moments into our lives that makes a difference.”

Ruairí McKiernan’s new Love and Courage podcast features in-depth interviews with thinkers, innovators and activists including Professor Ivor Browne, Frances Black, Christy Moore and others. You can download it for free on iTunes or any Podcast smartphone App or listen via Soundcloud. Find out more at loveandcourage.org.

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Article by Ruairí McKiernan
A social campaigner, Fulbright scholar, member of the Council of State and host of the Love and Courage podcast. loveandcourage.org | @ruairimckiernan