My recipe for self-love and self-care


When people think of self-love and self-care they might wonder why it’s such a vital part of wellness. People embark on their own journey and along the way they discover key ingredients that help them whip up their own recipe of self-love and self-care.

It is important to introduce self-love and care into our daily lives. Many people who have mental illness may suffer with self-esteem and self-destructive behaviour, because they are lacking the key ingredients that will help ease their pain and bring about a calm and caring environment. Self-love and self-care is not an act of selfishness. It’s about putting yourself first and showing an understanding towards yourself on the good, and not so good days.

Self-love and care is not just about pamper nights, but for many, including myself, I find a good hair and face mask helps me take time out to just be in the moment. For you it could be walking, a sport or art – there is no right or wrong.

Self-love and self-care is not one size fits all. We can introduce them into our lives in a variety of ways. As an example I’m going to share the ingredients that make up my self-love and care recipe – then you can make one of your own.

  • Read one chapter of my favourite book
  • Spend some quiet time journaling
  • Go for a walk surrounded by nature  and take some photos
  • Spend time with pets
  •  Mindfulness colouring
  • Treat my skin to a face mask as I  light my favourite candle, while sipping on some hot chocolate
  • Make a gratitude list
  • Read affirmations and uplifting quotes

Each of those things represents a part of me. They bring me happiness, positivity but also they provide me with the light and energy I need through the brightness and the darkness. That’s my own unique list of ingredients. You could whip up your own recipe too. By making it personal you add your own sprinkle of self-love and self-care. Choose the things that bring you happiness and helps you to relax and be in the moment.

It so important that you take time out even once a week just to recharge. You’re human – it’s ok to need a break and it’s also ok take time for yourself. It’s not selfish, not even a little bit. Your mind body and soul deserve to feel fulfilled and rested. Be as creative as you like and write down your list and decorate it so that every time you take out your recipe the list of ingredients instantly make you feel positive and uplifted.

Remind yourself that yesterday is gone and tomorrow is unwritten, so why not just try your best to be present. Take those days in which you feel uninspired, unmotivated and negative and blossom into the best version of yourself right now. Your potential is limitless. Self-love and self-care is not a hocus-pocus wellness plan. It is a lifestyle that can provide you with light, renewed energy, a sense of self and awareness of your emotional and physical being. You have the power to change your mentality and your outlook on life.

2018 is becoming full circle as we enter the last few months of the year. Why not take this opportunity to decide on how you wish to live each day and go and conquer you goals and aspirations. Take your recipe of self-love and self-care and sprinkle the remaining phase of 2018 with your very own secret ingredients. Each and every day give it your best because at the end of the day you’re best is more than enough. You’ve got this. You have got this.

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Article by Amy Judge
Now that I’m twenty two years old. I’ve come to the conclusion that life is not as black and white as I once thought. In fact there are so many colours that brighten up the world we live in. Adding character, personality and individuality. I enjoy taking topics and turning them into stories that can hopefully uplift at least once person. For more blog posts check my Instagram @amyjudgeh where I share a mixture of blogs and my own photography.