Keeping off the booze at Christmas


Let’s start with a quick thought exercise – how many days of Christmas are lost to the pain of hangovers, lethargy and regret? How many precious moments are wasted on anxiety and beer fear?

Over the last few years, along with thousands of others, we have discovered that the conventional wisdom – you need alcohol in your life to have fun, be social and enjoy Christmas – is wrong.

A key point here is that when you take a break from alcohol you are not giving something up, you are actually gaining a massive advantage in all areas of life.

The extra time due to better sleep and more energy will help you prepare like never before. The money saved brings, much needed, extra cash to make this the best Christmas yet, whilst a warm internal glow replaces short tempers and alcohol anxiety. Also, there is something magical about waking up on the big day feeling fresher and more vibrant than you have in years. As the brightness returns to your eyes and you look marvellous in your Christmas snaps – you might reach the conclusion, like many of us, that you had the best Christmas ever.

So if you are up for the challenge and want to smash Christmas alcohol-free and set up your best ever year – here are our top 12 hacks:

1. Note down all your reasons ‘why’ you want to take a break

Some fantastic research has shown that writing down your thoughts is excellent for changing habits while improving wellness. List all those reasons why you want to take a break from the booze.  Ask yourself why are you taking on this alcohol-free adventure? What has led you to this point?

Dig deep to unearth as many reasons as possible to add extra power. Use paper, an iPad or laptop, whatever suits you best, but note all your reasons down. For a motivational boost put them where you can see them as a daily reminder.

2. Take out the ringleaders

Before you meet that ‘mate’ in the bar – you know, the one who holds court and can make your life a misery with their witty repertoire. Take them out in advance and tell them all the reasons why you are on this adventure. This is not a conversation to have via text – meet this person face-to-face and get them onboard. Once you have their backing, watch the rest follow. If your social circle constantly slags you about your decision or tries to manipulate you into changing your mind, maybe reconsider who your real friends are. Don’t be bulldozed over, do what is right for you always.

3. Expect the unexpected

It sounds over the top, but we know when it comes to going alcohol-free, winging it doesn’t work. Create the mindset of an athlete planning for a race and always expect the unexpected. The long lost friend who arrives on your doorstep, looking to catch up over a few “Christmas” drinks or the sudden resignation in the office can trip you up. Be ready in advance for these moments. When they arrive, and they will, give a rye smile because you knew this would happen. Then make the choice that fits with your goals. If you need some quick motivation remind yourself of all those reasons ‘why’ you decided to quit in the first place.

4. Always know exactly what you’re going to drink and have a backup drink

You are about to fight years of social and psychological conditioning, and you need to be prepared, or old habits will take over. Phone the venue to find out if they stock alcohol-free alternatives. Non-alcoholic lager, for example, is a brilliant choice because in the words of Louis Walsh – it looks like a beer, it tastes like a beer and reminds me of a young ‘alcoholic beer.’ People leave you alone once they see something that looks alcoholic. This saves you explaining yourself and having your rubber arm twisted. If no look-alikes are available, create your own.

Perhaps order a soda water with lime, then add a mixing straw. It’s a dead ringer for a vodka lime and soda. Get creative and always make sure you have a drink 1 and backup-drink 2 planned, just in case! Or alternatively you can brazen it out just tell people you’re not drinking, anyone who gives you hassle about this highlights more about their character than you.

5. Bring the fun factor and love your alcohol-free social life

The ridiculous notion that you can’t have fun without alcohol is total nonsense. So even if you are not feeling the party spirit, throw yourself into the alcohol-free action and bring your social A-Game.

If you have to – fake it until you make it. When your physiology is upbeat and vibrant, your mind will soon follow. Friends will be amazed that you can have tons of fun, be the social butterfly without a drop of alcohol. This often results in the highest backhanded alcohol-free compliment – ‘Are you sure you’re not drinking?’

6. You don’t have to drink it because someone else bought it

Someone could hand you a drink, or you turn on the autopilot and order an alcoholic drink. Remember you are fighting years of social and psychological conditioning. This is entirely normal behaviour. The key is to notice, smile and ’step away from the drink, with your hands where you can see them.’ Remember – you don’t have to drink it because you or someone else bought it. Alcohol never goes to waste so give it away. Then take a deep breath – create yourself a few seconds space and reorder what you want.

7. Enjoy feeling uncomfortable; this is the real you.

Without booze to bulldoze your natural emotions you might find that you feel uncomfortable socially. This is only natural and how the vast majority of people feel in new social surroundings. You are meant to feel this way. It just your misguided instinctive-self trying to protect you. These instinctual emotions were designed to keep you safe from new encounters while roaming the savannahs. But often misfire when cruising a cocktail party. So get comfortable feeling uncomfortable it’s your authentic-self shining through, and that’s something to celebrate!

8. Turn the night into a mini challenge

The average Christmas night out lasts roughly 5 hours – that’s it. So rather than worrying if you’ll enjoy it, use these few hours, as an opportunity to try out your new alcohol-free skills.

Perhaps create a game out it – score 1 point for every drunken snog you witness, 2 points for how many times your best mate says ‘I love you..’ And the jackpot, 3 points for dancing sober!

Get creative with your world and have fun.

9. Always have an escape route

While alcohol-free parties can be off the scale fun, most people are on a different planet come midnight. So always have an escape route. Pre-book a cab or know what time the last train leaves. Have a time in mind and stick to it. When you’re in the Taxi – throw in a mini fist pump. Pat yourself on the back, smile wide and look forward to feeling great in the morning, when the rest of your mates will be in bits.

10. Celebrate your success

Many of the most celebrated moments we have witnessed from thousands of our members at comes after a significant social challenge. When you first overcome the wedding, holiday, stag or Christmas party alcohol-free there is a rush of confidence. You create a deep belief that actually life is so much better without the booze. So these events are not the reason to put off your challenge – they are the reason to start. At the end of the night, celebrate – treat yourself to something nice – you deserve it. The best treat of all, however, is waking up the following morning full of life ready to take on the world!

11. Sign up to a 28, 90 or 365-day alcohol-free challenge

Okay, we’re biased, but the best way to make your alcohol-free adventure a roaring success is to sign up to one of our challenges at We have worked with the best minds in the land to create daily videos, emails, accountability, community and much more to help you take on this challenge and win. In a recent survey, 87% of our members decided to carry on with their alcohol-free adventure after 90 days. A whopping 95% said they had transformed their relationship with alcohol. So if you want the best shot at your alcohol-free title, sign up to a challenge today by clicking here

12. Stay accountable

Daily accountability is essential to lasting habit change. That coach like feeling that you must stay true to your goals or you will have to face your mentor and let them know you have slipped is a powerful motivator. It’s kinda like having your very own personal gym instructor watching over you making sure you turn up and train every day. At OYNB we have a daily interactive accountability post that we encourage all our members to interact with, so we all know if they are still on their AF adventure or not. Accountability helps create that coach-like feeling of someone watching out for you making sure you stay on track. This simple daily check-in works wonders.

Bonus tips:

Get ‘The 28-day alcohol-free challenge’ book

Our book – ‘The 28-day alcohol-free challenge.’ is the perfect accompaniment to any alcohol-free adventure. It’s like a pocket guide to your best self as it takes you on a day by day journey. Showing you how to smash your alcohol-free challenge and love life the process. Each day tells what you need to know when you need to know it. The book in now available at all major bookstores and online by clicking here

A top tip is to listen to the OneYearNoBeer podcast

The wonderful guests share more alcohol-free wisdom than you can shake a stick at. Also, these influencers will inspire you on your alcohol-free adventure. From Gretchen Rubin to Ryan Holiday and Pat Divilly, they all offer their insights about alcohol. Plus Ruari and I are always on hand to offer insightful tips and tricks to help you stay alcohol-free.

If you enjoyed this post and want to know more about our alcohol-free challenges, head to

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Article by Andy Ramage
In 2015 Andy co-founded the global lifestyle phenomenon a 28,90 and 365-day alcohol-free challenge to help transform people's relationship with alcohol. His first book ‘The 28-day alcohol-free challenge’ is available now. Andy is also one of the world’s leading behavioural change & performance coaches. He specialises in working 1-2-1 with CEOs, business professionals, athletes, entrepreneurs, actors and influencers to transform their relationship with alcohol and in doing so powerup their health, careers and day to day lives. He is working towards a masters degree in positive psychology and coaching psychology and is a master practitioner of NLP, a mindfulness based awareness coach, a much sought-after speaker, author and podcaster. You can contact Andy at