Imagination is the essence of recovery


Growing up we were often told that by using our imagination we can bring our goals even dreams to life. Everything seemed possible as nothing felt out of reach and we became lost in the bliss of our imagination.

However somewhere along the path of growing up we began to no longer hear those words of praise and encouragement. Our ability to see magic in everyday things became hazy and our creativity had faded away as we began to grow up. Our thoughts became a place that only realistic dreams or goals where seen as achievable. I guess society has always been our biggest motivator and our biggest critic.

However every now and then a part of us finds our way back to the roots of our imagination within the earthly presence of confidence and limitless possibilities. A renewed sense of vision and bouts of wisdom put us back on the path of our imagination.

As somebody who lives with mental health disorders I have found that my imagination has been a huge anchor in my recovery. I was a girl struggling to see any light and had no clue about what direction I was heading towards. The only sense of purpose I had was getting through another anxious day filled with bursts of depression and sleepless nights due to my battle with insomnia. My mental health disorders had well and truly become lodgers within my mind.

But….. Without even realising the creative aura that I once had growing up returned to me unexpectedly when I needed it most. My creativity began to awaken the day I stood in the gardens of Farmleigh in the Phoenix Park. As I took the first photo of a flower on my sisters phone. From that day onwards I took photos every day. I felt I had been given a renewed sense of vision.

My new found coping mechanism opened doors for me. I was capturing my imagination in photos that aired on TV to creating a portfolio and helping others capture their treasured moments. I was still living with my mental illness but my imagination had given me a comfort blanket in the form of been a self-taught photographer with a love to create.

They say that many people living with depression amongst other illness tend to find their imagination and creativity as a healthy coping mechanism to aid their recovery.

So that been said I think we owe it to ourselves to give ourselves a chance to ignite the magic that our imagination wishes to create.

Here are some steps that will bring you closer to reaching you’re limitless imagination to aid your recovery.

#1. The why – This step is the pinnacle of awakening your imagination. Journal about the things you wish to achieve. Even if it sounds out of reach write it down. Anything is achievable with a little sprinkle of creativity / confidence and magic.

#2. Be inspired – Find the inspiration you need that adapts to your goals / dreams act… Via blogs / podcast / ted talks and so forth. Find your niche and let your imagination blossom.

#3. Action – Figuring out where to begin can be overwhelming. We have all these amazing ideas and visions but don’t know how to turn them into reality. But that’s also the fun part. Take action by learning new skills to broaden your knowledge / create a mood or vision board / choose affirmations that resonate with your why and repeat them to yourself each day. Repetition creates habit which then creates structure and purpose.

#4. Atmosphere – The atmosphere we live in and create has a huge impact on our life. For instance if we spend time with likeminded people we are likely to feel motivated and creative. If you find that busy atmospheres stress you out. Then maybe adjusting you’re surroundings to quiet and calming environments whenever you need to.

And our final step is to…..

#5. Believe – Believe in your imagination because you have an abundance of creativity. Incredible dreams that are waiting for you to turn into reality. Your goals / dreams / creativity / wisdom and magic deserve a chance to nurture and grow.

After following the previous steps hopefully you’re imagination has begun to awaken. It’s during those steps that you begin to ignite the spark you once had. As you let your imagination take you on a journey to wherever it is you wish to go.

Remember that even if others don’t see you’re vision it doesn’t mean it’s not worthy enough. Stay true to your values and allow yourself to experience a world you once saw as magical and now many years later as a world of possibilities ignited by the spark of your imagination.

I think it’s amazing how the simplicity of creativity helps those in recovery see the light that they have been searching for and the sense of purpose that provides them with an anchor of their own to stay strong. All that’s left to say is it’s time for you to go make your mark on this magical planet because you’ve got what it takes in abundance.

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Article by Amy Judge
Now that I’m twenty two years old. I’ve come to the conclusion that life is not as black and white as I once thought. In fact there are so many colours that brighten up the world we live in. Adding character, personality and individuality. I enjoy taking topics and turning them into stories that can hopefully uplift at least once person. For more blog posts check my Instagram @amyjudgeh where I share a mixture of blogs and my own photography.