How would really knowing you matter change how you think about yourself?


What if You Matter without the hair and make-up, without the ripped muscles and toned body, without the job title, without the perfect relationship, without the car, the house and the yearly holiday!

What if you Matter just because of your uniqueness?

So many people are trying to live up to some ideal of how life should look especially nowadays with so many lifestyles to aspire to and people to compare ourselves to.

How many times a day are you feeling like you are not measuring up in some way? Too many people are losing that sense of meaning in life.

If we only realised the impact we as individuals have on each others lives even when we aren’t getting on with those around us it could change how we feel about ourselves.

What if we knew that  there is always a way through even the worst storms and realising our value is a solid starting block.

What if every child who once knew from the get-go that they have an intrinsic worth and part to play in the world never lost that knowing!

What if each of us lived knowing we have a unique part to play in this tapestry of life?

You as a young child knew this feeling! A newborn baby carries this quality and so calls out to so many of us as we recognise that something special and find ourselves drawn to connect with this gift the young child holds.

If we could only slow down, pause, take a breath and turn our attention inward to listen to our inner guidance system.

If we could take a moment every day to appreciate our little successes and be grateful for those who are in our lives.

If we could stop and breathe in nature, absorbing the gift it carries for us.

Not one plant, leaf, flower or stem in full bloom, battered or decaying ever justifies or apologises for its existence. Each and every living particle in nature instead boldly claims its contribution to the cycle of life.

Not one animal ever engages in self doubt nor undermines its existence. Instead it follows a deep instinctual drive to align with its particular blue print.

If my son Darragh knew deep inside himself how much he mattered to all of us and the many whose lives he touched, some, just by his smile as he passed them on the street. If he only knew the devastating impact and ripple effect of his death as it spread sadness and loss out across the lives of so many in his community he might still be here.

Know You Matter!

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Article by Linda Allen
A therapist helping people overcome stress, fatigue, anxiety and grief. She also presents life skills workshops to groups. Linda delivers stress resilience clinics with her partner Derek to staff teams. Linda is also a speaker currently delivering “You Matter” themed presentations.