How to take a break from alcohol


Giving up alcohol sounds so simple – surely you just stop? The beer can’t jump into your mouth. Yet when most people try they fail. The problem is that we have been psychologically conditioned over many years to drink alcohol and switching this off is really difficult. Also the societal pressure to continue to drink is immense. On the whole people don’t like to lose their drinking buddies and will do their best to sabotage any attempt at stopping. It’s sad but true.

What we have discovered at OneYearNoBeer is that almost anyone can break a drinking habit as long as they prepare.

Here are 6 of our top hacks:
1. Book a physical challenge

This might seem like a strange place to start but it’s key to any alcohol free period. Book a physical challenge beyond your current abilities. If you can just manage a jog around the block, perhaps start with a 5k parkrun, or if 10k’s your limit then maybe go for a marathon.

A physical target provides:

Focus – To drive your exercise routines
Exercise – To make you body and mind strong
Confidence – That you are capable of more that you ever imagined
Activity – To fill some of the time you get back from not drinking

2. If you slip up, so what

The quickest way to lasting habit change is through compassion and not the stick of guilt. Studies have shown time and time again that forgiveness leads to personal accountability, whereas guilt leaves us looking for excuses.

There is a common misconception that a slip up means failure, which opens the flood gates to over indulgence. This creates a downward spiral of overeating/drinking and feeling bad about oneself.

If you slip up – so what, who cares, dust yourself off, learn from your mistakes and come back stronger. Let us remind ourselves that no one is perfect and Superman without kryptonite would be boring!

3. Bad habits need replacing not telling off

Trying to change a habit after years of psychological conditioning is very difficult. So the best way to break bad habits is to dress them up as good ones. The following few steps will help achieve this:

Find your trigger – What time, place, emotion, preceding action or person is your trigger?

Uncover what’s driving the habit – what is it you crave? stress relief, companionship…

Change your routine and hack the habit – Once you know what triggers the habit, along with the real driver, all you have to do is replace the routine with a healthy one the provides the same motivation.

If it is companionship that drives you towards those after work drinks, then perhaps book a spin class with some mates instead.

You get the picture, take the time to expose and then replace your unhealthy routines. Self awareness here is key.

4. Use your excuse – ‘I am on a challenge’

Most of us need a decent reason ‘not’ to drink – it’s a pity but true. Alcohol is the only drug in the world that when you give it up people berate you!

Unless you’re pregnant or sick most excuses are destroyed by well-meaning friends, family and colleagues who want their drinking buddies back.

So use your excuse – Everyone loves a challenge and going alcohol free is just another one to add to your list alongside mud races, triathlons, marathons …

So when the time comes say it loud and proud – Want a drink?

‘Yes I would love a (fill in blank with alcohol free alternative)’


‘Yes I have decided to take a (30/90/365) day alcohol free challenge and I feel great!’ or ‘I’ve decided to train for a 5k race/triathlon/etc. and so staying off the drink for a while.’

Job done.

5. Mindfulness is a fantastic habit-breaking tool

From awareness comes the ability to change and being mindful of your habits is the start of this process. Our brains love habits because these processes run without conscious thought saving precious energy. This is great for healthy habits but a problem for those bad ones.

Mindfulness shines a bright light on those habits that are holding us back. Suddenly we notice what’s really going on. How much and why we are drinking. As these subconscious routines come back into full view we can apply these hacks to drive home this wonderful change.

6. Keep planning then plan some more

It sounds over the top, but we know, when it comes to going alcohol free winging it simply does not work. You have to plan like an athlete and expect the unexpected.

There will always be a long lost friend who arrives on your doorstep looking to catch up over a few drinks. Be ready for these moments when they arrive, and they will, give yourself a rye smile and make the choice that fits your goals.

Also know what you are going to drink – Phone your chosen venue, if you must, and find out if they stock your alcohol free alternative. And always have a back up soft drink just incase you reach the bar and they are out of stock.

If you’re feeling inspired and want more tips, tricks and hacks to thrive alcohol free then why not take our 30, 90 or 365 day challenge?

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Article by Andy Ramage
In 2015 Andy co-founded the global lifestyle phenomenon a 28,90 and 365-day alcohol-free challenge to help transform people's relationship with alcohol. His first book ‘The 28-day alcohol-free challenge’ is available now. Andy is also one of the world’s leading behavioural change & performance coaches. He specialises in working 1-2-1 with CEOs, business professionals, athletes, entrepreneurs, actors and influencers to transform their relationship with alcohol and in doing so powerup their health, careers and day to day lives. He is working towards a masters degree in positive psychology and coaching psychology and is a master practitioner of NLP, a mindfulness based awareness coach, a much sought-after speaker, author and podcaster. You can contact Andy at