Don’t give up on me – a silent cry from the heart


Take care of your loved ones, particularly when they are doing everything in their power to push you away. A broken heart, like a wounded beast, will often lash out at those it is nearest but that does not mean they don’t need you~ Beau Taplin

Seeing this beautiful quote from Beau pulled at my heart strings as not only had I been the wounded beast, but also have faced the wounded beast within my own circle. When something resonates with me I write about it, because in sharing with others it may help them to know they are not alone and we can support each other, if only to know that there is hope.

From my own experience

I have felt the pain of being broken and wanted to curl up and die.

I had hidden my wounds until I was bled dry.

My eyes no longer open from stinging tears I would cry.

In that moment of isolation, it felt like my creation.

Who could really love me with so many issues, they offer me support with a packet full of tissues.

I lash out in anger just wishing they would go away, but building deep inside are the words I can’t say;-

“Stay with me,

Hold me,

I’m falling,

Please help me,

I need you,

I’m lost,

I’m hurting,

Don’t give up on me

A single hand reaches out to take mine in theirs, they don’t offer words of wisdom but a gentle look that cares.

They just sit with me in silence – a bonded hurt alliance.

When the howls of pain come roaring from my mouth, they don’t try to stop me but keep saying “just let it out”

They don’t ask me what is wrong with me or try to figure it out, they just hold me in a safe place patiently throughout.

When the wounds are visible, they can be healed, and the ones that care for you are truly revealed.

With help and understanding my wounds became scars and the people who stood by me are my brightest stars.

If you have faced a ‘wounded beast’ within your own circle and feel like they don’t need you, think of these words. Don’t take their words personally, it is not about you, it is about them. Remind them that you are there for them even if they throw it back in your face. Know that they just can’t find the words to express how they are feeling in that moment but they know you are there when they need you. Check up on them, be kind and patient. Offer them numbers of people that can help them if they don’t want to speak to you. Keep reminding them that you love them.

Now I am aware of what it was like for the people around me when I was the wounded beast and how much I pushed them away when all I wanted was them to pick me up and make the pain go away. I recognise it in my own circle and as much and all as I want to ‘fix’ it, I can’t. This is a journey a lot of us go through within ourselves and our families, don’t give up on yourself or others. We can get through this – together.

Sharon Fitzmaurice
Holistic Wellness Coach & Author

Help information

If you need help please talk to friends, family, a GP, therapist or one of the free confidential helpline services. For a full list of national mental health services see

  • Samaritans on their free confidential 24/7 helpline on 116-123, by emailing
  • Pieta House National Suicide Helpline 1800 247 247 or email – (suicide prevention, self-harm, bereavement) or text HELP to 51444 (standard message rates apply)
  • Aware 1800 80 48 48 (depression, anxiety)

If living in Ireland you can find accredited therapists in your area here:

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Article by Sharon Fitzmaurice
Sharon Fitzmaurice is a Holistic Wellness Coach and Author based in Co. Galway. Sharon published her story in 2018 more details on her website.