Discover the JOY in Journaling!

Journaling is not for everybody, FACT.

Somehow, journaling activity HELPS so many people and often those who least expect to benefit from a regular journal practice are the people who actually BENEFIT most, TRUTH!

Why is this?

These brave humans go beyond their inner critic or their negative thoughts regarding effort and work in writing. Result, their mindset gets unexpectedly converted. Through sheer experience of giving journaling an honest attempt they shatter their initial perceptions. I have the pleasure of seeing people open up – often to their surprise – with positive outcomes. They tried it and never looked back! Imagine that feeling; loving when a little activity pays off in results.

Journaling is much more than the writing itself!

It’s pure surprise and delight moments returned to you from regular tiny slots of time invested. The perception of time wasted shrinks when you see and feel the return on investment quickly. When journaling you are investing in yourself in a sustainable, cost effective and healthy way. A positive mindset grows. Journaling is great for planning, processing and productivity. It’s ideal for reflecting. Did I mention it’s a self-reflection tool? The healing qualities are like a natural powerful medicine.

A self-driven and self-created power engages within. You nurture this power through practice, like all other skills in life. Do you need to be a good writer? Absolutely not, the power isn’t in your writing it’s in developing your connection to self.

Poor grammar is welcomed. Spelling errors remain uncorrected! Journaling has zero place for judgement. Allow your thoughts to flow, only you see them. Avoid reverting back to correct, remaining present carries you forward.

Your key priority becomes connecting body, mind and soul. Goodbye auto-pilot and changing anything you write. You’ll consciously tune inwards and feel this transition. Completely synchronised and present; rare when we live daily with distractions, deadlines and multi-tasking.

I like to call journaling the “moving persons meditation”. Benefits rise from any writing done regardless of your perceived quality of your writing.

More REAL Benefits of Journaling

Ultimately, it positively impacts so many aspects of your life by granting you time to truly capture your thoughts in that given moment. Journaling provides a space of calm for listening to your body, mind and spirit in unison. We often live daily around external distractions; I call this living externally. Journaling enables us to spend productive time with our thoughts creating opportunities to begin working with them internally. As time continues, managing these thoughts for our benefit becomes easier. Journaling provides the space to tune into your unique inner wisdom.

Starters can benefit from the complete mindset change that a regular journal practice evokes for others. Excellent for improving productivity, positive for mental health and wellbeing, journaling helps people cope. Journaling helps focus, to plan and achieve goals. If you practice occasionally, these benefits arrive over time. A daily practice creates benefits quicker.

Getting Started – Whatever your writing ability!

If a writing block exists, best to start small. If you question your writing ability this energy is best replaced with compassion and a can-do attitude.

Firstly, open your horizon with non-judgement on your writing skills! Pen in hand, plays a central role. Your thoughts create the flow of the pen – more central to journaling than grammar, punctuation or actual words themselves. Your pen flows, no time for writing worry. Doodles, signals and drawings are welcome features with your thoughts reflected through words. Therein lies the JOY from your blank page.

A prompt is helpful and very beneficial when developing this positive habit. I never deny the power of a prompt!

Lean into a prompt from elsewhere if you need. However, usually the first thought that comes to your own mind is your perfect prompt. The most powerful prompt will always come from within yourself. We regularly miss self-prompt opportunities in life at the mercy of to-do lists, caring for others, technology and being on the move reducing solo reflection time. Journaling gifts you the opportunity to self-prompt daily – as powerful as the writing!

How can I create a powerful prompt?

Either go with the flow of your thought at the time or a question you’d like to ask. Something that’s on your mind even a topic you want to consider works also. If these fail and you struggle to capture, or choose a prompt here’s a super question to ask yourself! “What’s Important Now?” is a WIN for a prompt, it’s timeless!. Your initial answer in the moment is your quality prompt. The answer is fluid and changes daily. Afterall, you’re downloading your thoughts whilst allowing your body and heart intelligence systems tune in. Pure Mindfulness!

The Magic and Joy Unfolds

Stay with the present and go with it, your hand helps the pen write your thoughts. You’ll create a Body, Mind, Spirit connection instantly. Keep writing, self-reflection in action and forward movement happens. The gift is undivided attention to your whole self. This is journaling – where the more experienced gain benefit. The quality lies in the depth of thought and self-reflection. The words just record this. There is pure magic and joy knowing the powerful prompt will always come from within. Journaling allows you to consciously maximise and capture it’s essence. Enjoy the quiet. Be patient on days that seem basic or challenging, they often lead to journal sessions that are epic, magical and joyful.

It’s never about TIME – when shall I Stop?

It’s adaptable. It’s your preference. You call it in the moment. Like meditation – 5 minutes, 10 minutes or any comfort level is the best starting point. You’ll be surprised how 15 to 20 minutes passes as you progress. The best ending point is the organic moment where you arrive at a halt rather than a pause for reflection. Another occurs if you realise that you are repeating your written words or loosening your close connection with them. This means you’ve passed the intrinsic finish line and your prompt’s essence has been uncovered! You can always set a stopwatch – setting yourself an achievable target can add a layer of fun and curiosity if creating a boundary interests you.

Finally, no pressure – Enjoy!

Keep it fresh and impactful for yourself, it’s your journal practice and it’s so much more than words! Your thoughts matter. Your journal and pen support this connection to inner wisdom.

If a writing block of pen and paper still exists, you can journal using a computer. Choosing your comfort zone will gift yourself these benefits!

Happy Journaling Journey to you!
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Article by Mary Vaughan
Mary Vaughan is an Executive and Career Coach and Human Resources Consultant. An advocate for mental health awareness, Mary is involved in a variety of charity work in addition to relationship coaching. A member of the International Coaching Federation, Mary co-founded Irish International Coaching Circle as a close support group for new and experienced coaches. Mary’s wish is that all individuals continue to grow in learning to start treating others as they themselves would like to be treated. Instagram | LinkedIn