Meditation and reflective journaling


As we begin this new calendar year, we are granted with an amazing opportunity to connect, reflect and look forward.

When I write of connecting, I mean in the sense of ‘self-connecting’ and in order to do this it means taking time to switch off your computer and your phone and taking time to yourself, for yourself.  It might sound a little alien if you have a lot on or people to be around but even taking an hour for yourself can be extremely beneficial.

What can be difficult at this time of year in particular are all the voices! Online and around you are an onslaught of ideas/options/offers for the next greatest thing that will make you feel more amazing and love your life and achieve happiness.  But ultimately only you can know what is best for you, and in order to find that out, we have to tune in and reconnect with ourselves. The rest of society and the people around you are all talking about goals and plans, and this can be helpful but when overloaded it can get confusing, overwhelming and you can end up feeling burnt out with a lack of energy and enthusiasm to even plan for tomorrow!

So over the next few days make an effort to sit, to switch off your devices, to reflect, to meditate and to tune in.  Become aware of the concept that you have everything you already need.  That you have the strength and courage and ability to be the best version of yourself daily.  That you have the knowledge to serve your needs and those around you.  That you know what to do and even though thoughts and ego may often tell you how hard it is or impossible a task, you know how to reach your true potential.  You have all this in spades, it is just about checking in and remembering.

This is truly the spiritual journey, ‘How can I be the best version of myself and how can I best serve others?’

Here are two ways to tune in and reconnect. It only takes about an hour to do both together in succession.


Find an upright posture for your spine and where legs are crossed and comfortable.  Set your timer for 15-20 minutes.

You can have your eyes open or closed.  Begin with a body scan, from your toes all the way around the body, observe completely how everything is feeling.  Then notice your thoughts, what is coming in and out.  Then notice your emotions, what is present?  Then turn your awareness to your breath, observing and feeling your inhale and exhale, not changing, not judging, just becoming observant.

As you notice thoughts or become distracted bring your awareness back to your breath.  Let your breath be your anchor point for your awareness.

Remain like this for the entire duration of the meditation.


Thinking of new beginnings and the start of the New Year, consider the following questions and write on each. Set your timer for 5 minutes for each question so you can really reflect and take time to consider them.

  1. When stripped down from 5 to 3 to 1, what are your main goals going forward with the last 1 being the most important to you?
  2. What are your reasons for choosing the goals above?
  3. What tendencies do you already have that will help you achieve your goals?  What positive influences from your environment or those around you will support your goals?
  4. What tendencies do you have that may hinder your progress towards your goals?
  5. What influences from your environment or those around you may hinder your progress or may be of negative impact?
  6. In any of your goals and the considerations above, can you recognise how to enhance your beneficial qualities and let go of your ‘un-beneficial’ tendencies?  What could work for you going forward?
  7. What do you need from your environment, from yourself and those around you to keep you connected and on track to what you want most in life?

On this journey you have undertaken you may have felt already or begin to feel a connection to something deeper within yourself.  Beyond your body and your mind there is a space.

In all our lives we must strike the balance of serving the needs of our bodies, of enjoying all our bodies can do and achieve, likewise with our thoughts and our minds, asking ourselves ‘what do I need and what can I let go of?’

Once the body and mind are served, once in harmony, you can connect to this space beyond body and mind, to a sense of flow, peace and true joy.  It is certainly not easy, and we are all walking a tight rope keeping balance.  The principles are simple however, and possible!

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Article by Naomi Sturdy
Naomi has been teaching for over 10 years. She originally qualified as a Physical Education teacher with a great interest and passion for exercise, activity and a healthy lifestyle. After practicing Yoga and Pilates for many years Naomi set up her own business ‘Elements Yoga and Pilates’ teaching both disciplines full time. Passionate bringing about movement, meditation and self enquiry into our everyday. Elements Yoga and Pilates | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Schedule 2018