Learning self-acceptance to find happiness within


Regardless of who you are, you are going to be going through good times and bad, find things easy at times and hard at others. You will succeed and you will fail, you will like and dislike, love and hate, struggle and breeze through.

Everyone does. Paramount to getting through it all, enjoying the good times and managing the bad, is self-acceptance. Without it, the good things are less enjoyable and the bad things become insurmountable objects along your path. There are a few easy ways to practice self-acceptance:

1. Gratitude

Though it may sometimes be hard to appreciate all that is good about ourselves, it is important to keep reminding yourself of all that you do and have, all the qualities and abilities, friends and comforts and you can do that by simply being grateful. Thank God, thank the universe (always someone to thank no matter what your belief system is), thank your friends, family and acquaintances and don’t forget to thank your body, heart and mind for functioning. Thank yourself for doing all that you do.

2. Acknowledging achievements

On a daily basis, you succeed and you achieve and you manage to exist. Acknowledging this will help increase your self-worth and self-acceptance. Doing your best in as much as you can also enhances your self-worth. Pat yourself on the back daily.

3. No need for perfection

Always keep in mind that nobody is perfect and you don’t need to be nor is it possible for any of us to be perfect all the time. Cut yourself some slack, don’t be hard on yourself in your thoughts, and don’t beat yourself up over mistakes we all make.

4. Forgiving yourself

When you fail, hurt someone or make a mistake, though it is important to recognise the error and try and make amends, it is even more important to forgive yourself and let it go in order to be able move on and do better the next time around.

5. Finding and letting your light shine

We all have a very unique, individual light that deserves to shine. You may find it in your dreams and ambitions, in your talents and gifts. Find it and practice what you love and are good at. This will give you a sense of achievement and strengthen your self-acceptance.

6. Giving and receiving

Giving makes us all happy and equally so receiving; stuff, your time, affection, love, hugs, gifts, it doesn’t really matter what you give or receive as both will make you feel good about yourself.

7. Supporting and being supported

You are not an island. In all that you do, seek support, for the good stuff and the hard tasks and when you see someone struggling try and be there to support, listen and help out as best you can.

8. Sharing

It is good to share. It gets you out of your head when you are struggling with something and it increases the happiness if that’s what you are sharing. It connects you with others and by doing so, allows you to get a sense of just how valuable you are, of what you need and what you can give.

9. Following your dreams and doing something you love

Love your dreams and keep them alive, they are a reflection of your true, authentic and precious being. Find activities you love and pursue them. Doing something you love will always increase your happiness.

10. Remembering the love

It’s love that makes it all worthwhile and loving yourself plays a vital part in your happiness. And when you are feeling low and cannot see any good in yourself remember all those who love you regardless of achievements, despite your mistakes – just as you are.

If you are struggling with self-acceptance, little mantras like the one that is to follow will help. Sometimes by repeating words that we may not even mean in our hearts when expressing them, the shear repetition will make them stick eventually and take root in your mind, heart and body:

Self-acceptance Mantra

I love myself
I am worth it
I can get through this
I don’t have to be perfect
I am grateful for all that my body, heart and mind do
I have achieved lots and can achieve more
I don’t have to be on top of my game all the time
It’s okay to make mistakes
I always try my best
I am my own best friend
I love lots of people
I am loved by lots of people
I love myself

Pick one or two a day depending on how you are feeling and what kind of a day you are facing into. Everything comes easier if you have a good relationship with yourself. Be your own best friend.

You can read Anita’s blog here noneedtobestrong.wordpress.com

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Article by Anita Alig
Anita Alig is a mum of three, writer and integrated energy therapist based in Spiddal, Co Galway. You can read her blog on noneedtobestrong.wordpress.com.