‘Ing’ Meditation


When my mind is busy and what I’m thinking about is absolute garbage I can slip into the present moment and focus my attention and awareness on the now. It shifts my spotlight to my present moment reality.

My thoughts can usually be about trying to change the past, trying to control the future or judging myself as good, bad, right or wrong.

The thoughts where I am unaware that I’m judging myself or a situation for possibly hours on end can cause me a lot of unwanted stress and waste my precious energy.

Mindfulness is a huge part of my life and has helped me to experience life more fully. Here is my number one shortcut to being present in the moment. It’s called practicing ‘ing’.

Everything we are doing in the present moment ends in ‘ing’.

Boiling the kettle, emptying the dishwasher, rolling out yoga mats, listening to a friend.

When I practice ‘ing’ I notice more details about my present moment.

For example driving the car. This is one place I can drift off and go into autopilot.

  1. I am driving the car.
  2. I am looking at the blue sky, noticing the cars ahead and the trees on the side of the road.
  3. I am listening to the sound of the engine and the music playing.
  4. I am breathing.
  5. I am holding the steering wheel firmly with my hands.
  6. Smelling the lavender in my air freshener.
  7. I am sitting comfortably in my seat.
  8. I am pressing my foot on the accelerator.
  9. I am checking my mirror.
  10. I am feeling excited to pick my child up from school.

When I practice ‘ing’ anywhere it allows me to be present. It slows down the rush hour traffic in my head. I feel centred and grounded in the present moment.

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Article by Deirdre Fitzpatrick
I am a yoga, mindfulness and meditation teacher from Clare who runs fitness / wellness classes and retreats in my community and the workplace nationally. bekindtoyourmind.ie | bettermybody.ie