Can you ride your emotional waves?


“Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways.”- Sigmund Freud

Have you noticed yourself feeling more tired of late? If so, the chances are that a residue of emotions remains under your busy outward veneer. Continuing uncertainty as regards COVID-19 allows the build-up of anxiety and tension. My message this week is, therefore, to please give yourself the time to feel and process the waves of emotions you may feel, especially the more turbulent ones.

Tension which builds up and is not relieved in positive ways eventually explodes, whether it be on a macro or a micro level or both; conflict within a family or with neighbours on the micro-level and rioting and looting such as that occurring in the United States over the racist and brutal George Floyd killing.

Giving yourself permission to process emotions as they unfold is crucial for positive mental health. As Freud ‘s quote above illustrates, emotions do not die because they are ignored, rather, they return in different forms which often causes more intense suffering.

I found myself getting frustrated and emotional this week over my son not having the opportunity to finish primary school. I became nostalgic for his first days at school and recalled how he literally clung to a lamp post on his first day so as not to have to go in. Now he would do anything to return even just for a few days. My micro tension came out as sadness and feeling overwhelmed.

The tensions caused by the lockdown have affected us all in different ways so it is important to be able to recognise the impact it has had on you and then to find a way to release the tensions. Talking to someone who will listen to you, journaling, crying will all help. I have done all three and feel a lot better. I really do.

Please take the time to acknowledge tensions and frustrations, to consider how they have affected you emotionally and to then move forward to feel and process those difficult feelings and emotions. Ride the wave.

I am delighted by the large influx of new subscribers to my limited FREE offer for the online program, The Positive Habit and am truly grateful to those of you who have donated; it truly does help you to value the course. If you register for it please be sure to follow it as it will really help you. Thanks to the client below for the latest 5-star review.

“This program changed me, I feel fearless, calm, positive, and I would like to thank you!”

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We rely on the generosity of the public to fund our work and so far together we have achieved great things! Please do continue to support us so we can provide future generations in Ireland with the resources to recognise and talk about their emotions, and equip them to navigate the ever-changing world around them as they grow


Article by Fiona Brennan
Fiona Brennan is a Clinical Hypnotherapist with a booked out clinic in Dublin. Every day she has the honour of helping people who are struggling with anxiety, stress and their sense of self-worth. She is a TEDx Mindfulness, and NLP practitioner, Mental Health expert on Today FM, the Dermot & Dave show. Building on her success, in 2016 she launched her online, five-star rated, hypnotherapy program which now helps people all over the world. Her first book is the best-selling 'The Positive Habit' is published by Ireland's leading non-fiction publishers Gill Books. Fiona is currently writing her second book, which is all about Love and it will be published early next year. For more information visit