7 Questions to ask when you don’t know what to do with your life


Every day is a new chance to make a change. Eventually, every person in this world will have to make a decision about what to do with their lives. Chances are that you will be faced with this dilemma more than once in your lifetime, and while it might sound like an exciting prospect, it can be a very overwhelming thing to have to deal with while you’re in the middle of experiencing it.

Signs that you need to make a change

There are some obvious points throughout a lifetime in which most people will need to decide what to do with their lives. As you approach the end of your school years, you’ll need to think about what you want to do with your life as an adult. Sometimes, people end up in situations where they need to consider this before they graduate school or university. Again, when you’re nearing retirement age you will be pondering this question once more. However, the time span between college and retirement age is a long one, and you will most likely find yourself pausing to consider what you really want to do with your life at least once along the way.

If you have noticed a change in your mood, energy, or behaviour; if you’ve been feeling more exhausted, apathetic, or irritable than usual, then you should certainly take a pause to meditate on what it is that you need to change in your life.  If you’ve been feeling uneasy or confused about your life or if you’ve been having a difficult time finding meaning or purpose in your life, then perhaps consider making a big change for your own good.

Regardless of where you’re at in your life or why you need to change things up, embrace the change. Change is good. Change can feel chaotic and overwhelming, but it always presents an opportunity to learn and grow. To help you ease the overwhelming part of the process, here are 7 questions to ask when you don’t know what to do with your life.

When you look at yourself objectively, are you proud of what you see?

It can be really difficult to get out of your own head and try to see yourself from another person’s point of view, but learning how to do this from time to time is essential for your growth and happiness in life. Pretend you’re watching yourself on a reality TV show. Listen to yourself speak sometimes. You can even take a look at your social media profile and scroll back a month or two. As you read your posts and see your pictures, imagine you’re looking at someone else. When you do these things, are you proud of yourself? Are you living a life that you would truly be envious of if it were someone else’s? If not, then you’ll probably notice right away which areas you need to focus on changing. This is the first step to figuring out what you want to do with your life.

Is your future looking the way you want it to look?

If you continued going down the path you’re on right now, imagine where you could be in the next five to ten years. If you stay at the job you have or continue with the studies you’re taking, if you maintain your diet, exercise, and lifestyle the way you are right now, and if you keep spending your free time the way you’re spending it, do the next five to ten years look bright to you? Would you be happy with the outcome of the choices you’re making now if you continue making them for the long term? If not, then you can probably see where you need to make some changes.

What are your priorities?

Do you spend a good amount of time doing the things you want to be doing? Are you focused so much on one thing, like making money for example, that you’re putting everything else last, including your health? If so, then you must re-organise your priorities. Value the “me time” you make room for each day as much as you would value the time you’d make for someone else very important to you.

What are you naturally good at?

In order to figure out what you want to be doing with your life, you must figure out the things that you’re naturally good at. If people are always coming to you for advice, then you’re a natural listener and empath. If you’re constantly doodling during work or class, then perhaps you’re a natural artist. If you’re always solving problems using logic and equations, then you’re a natural mathematician or businessman. If you’ve always kept a journal, then you’re a natural writer. You get the drift.

Have you been neglecting your passions?

It’s easy to get so consumed by responsibilities that you begin to neglect the things you love doing because they don’t seem like high priorities, but you should make some time at least once a week to indulge yourself in your passions. Whether you want to travel, play music, read, write, or anything, you’d be surprised what a huge difference it makes to take just one day out of the week, or even half a day, to do the things you really love to do. This can help you learn a lot about yourself and definitely help you find some direction in life.

How can you be healthier, stronger, or more well-balanced?

Besides passions, another thing that many people tend to neglect when responsibilities start to pile up is their health and well-being. There are too many people who don’t even make the time to eat right. Your health is super important and you need it to live a well-balanced, meaningful life. Taking care of your health will give you the strength you need to make important decisions about what you want to do with your life and to forge on through your journey.

Can you change the things in your life that you want to change?

Sometimes things can happen in life that you have absolutely no control over. They can be powerful enough to change the entire course of your life, but you’re left completely helpless in their wake. In such cases, you must accept what’s happening and focus your energy on taking control of the things that you do have the power to change. There’s no use wasting your time, energy and thoughts on things that you simply cannot do anything about.

Know and value yourself above all else

At some point in your life, you must learn to understand yourself, take control of your life, and value yourself above all else. From the moment of your birth until the moment you leave this world, you’re the only person that you’re going to be with the entire time. You need to spend every moment of every day with yourself, so you must value yourself and make choices in life that help you learn and grow. Ask yourself these questions periodically to make sure you’re on the right track.

For more information on Janet’s work check out her blogs jenreviews.com and janetmillerblog.com

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Article by Janet Miller
A wine connoisseur, former Fortune 100 executive and co-founder of jenreviews.com. She writes extensively and has been featured on Fast Company, The Muse, The Huffington Post and Mind Body Green. For more information check out janetmillerblog.com.