6 steps to spring clean your mind and body


Spring is that time of the year when many of us decide to make a positive change. We become inspired to take those all-important forward steps in decluttering our lives

With the departing winter months, it’s a good time to restore your ‘get up and go’ and bring your mind and body out of hibernation. Spring cleaning shouldn’t be limited to just your home so now is a great time to get rid of those bad habits that no longer make you feel good and take advantage of the following 6 practices to help you grow a better you.

Sweat it out

Spring is a super time to get back to being active as the evenings get longer, so take advantage and get outside for a walk or run, get back to the gym or participate more in your favourite sport. In order to have glowing skin, a better body and a healthier heart, it’s good to sweat at least once a day. Stop making excuses and waiting to start on Monday. Take your gym clothes with you to work and go straight after to remove those all too familiar ‘get-outs’. By carrying out even 30 minutes of exercise a day, you will quickly feel the benefit and you’ll notice a rise in your confidence and positive mind-set.


Water is highly important for any cleanse. Studies show that even minor drops in hydration can result in increased sleepiness, fatigue and loss of concentration. Water is the living element that removes all toxins. It helps to flush out fat, improve your energy and digestion to leave you feeling refreshed. It is recommended that your drink at least 2 litres of water per day and by also reducing your carbonate drink intake, it gives your skin a better appearance.


Not just for yoga enthusiasts, meditation is a powerful way to calm your mind and reduce any anxiety you may be experiencing. By taking time out to sit and just listen and breathe, you release your stress and get a dose of positivity. A calming measure, this simple step is proven to relax your mind and give you greater levels of happiness.

Get healthy

We’ve all been guilty of piling on a few pounds over the winter months so go on a spring detox and commit to being healthier. You could look to incorporate healthier, plant-based earth foods such as spirulina or maca powder. Eliminate heavy trans-fat, high sugar, and empty-calorie foods. As you transition into the cleanse, give yourself those cheat days so the change isn’t as abrupt and hard to adapt to. Any new habit of eating healthier is always hard to get into so get prepared and plan in advance. Go out and buy your food in advance and take advantage of those protein bundles for your workouts. Your body will thank you, so embrace those earth foods this spring.

Dietary cleanse

Doing a dietary cleanse can help our brain to function at its best. You might choose to do a juice cleanse, or only eat hearty vegetable soups etc. for a couple of days. Or it could be a choice to simply cut out all sugar and caffeine products from your diet for a week. There are many ways to do a dietary cleanse. During your cleanse, keep in mind a goal you may want to achieve whether its feeling healthy, fitting in some new clothes or finding emotional peace. The process provides you with a whole host of benefits and it allows you to take control of your body and how it responds to your food choices and new healthy habits. Also a good cry, laugh or motivational song can go a long way in helping you cope and experience the best results of the cleanse.


This is something people under value and simply don’t get enough of. Getting enough sleep is the key to a happier life. If you’re over tired, you feel lethargic, you won’t be as productive at work, you’ll want to consume sugary foods and caffeine to keep you going, and you won’t look your best. If you’re back at the gym, you will need to value your rest in order for your body to recover, heal and rebuild. Those extra few hours of sleep pay dividends for your body, giving you the ‘spring in your step’ that you will profit from.

Parting Note

The change begins with you and only you. This new season is the opportunity you’ve been waiting for. It’s time to shrug of those cobwebs and take that positive step towards a better life, mind and body. The first step is always the hardest but when you start to feel the positive effects, like that extra bit of energy that makes you wake up an hour earlier in the morning, it will all be worthwhile. You will find that you’ll sleep better, your days are more enjoyable and you are more productive.

Unfortunately, many of the vices we have in life have a negative effect on our bodies and the way we feel, and because we continually give in to them we get used to that feeling. It is only when you stop and remember how fresh and energetic that you used to be that it really gets you in to gear. So what are you waiting for? Get the real you back again this Spring and do everything you can to take care of you.

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Article by Sarah Hewitt
A London based freelance writer specialising in health and fitness. She is passionate about advising and encouraging people to lead a healthier life to not only make themselves feel better physically but also be stronger in a mental sense. If you wish to contact Sarah, you can do so via her Twitter page @SarahHewitt52.