10 questions with Gavin James


Bressie interviews Ireland’s rising star (who happens to have one of the most beautiful voices on the planet!) Gavin James

1. You are a solo artist that takes to the stage with just a guitar and an incredible voice. Do you ever deal with pre gig anxiety, and if so, how do you deal with it?

I do get extremely nervous before ever gig I do no matter how many people there are. Nerves are a good thing though it means I want to do a good job.  They disappear the second I get on stage though :)

2. You are having a phenomenal year. I remember vividly hearing your voice for the first time and knowing without a hint of a doubt that this was a voice that would travel the world. How do you deal with the pressure of now having to deliver a record and all the other pressures that come with being an artist?

I’m fairly lucky with the way everything panned out for me label wise. I’m a laid back guy and the people I work with around the world are all the loveliest people to be around. It’s taken me a lot of years to build up a fan base and a name from gigging as much as I can and I’ve been very careful throughout with deciding the people that I would be associated with business wise. I still get a little stressed from time to time about things but I think that’s normal :) we all have our days.

3. You seem to have a natural positive character. Is this something you find helps you engage with your audiences at gigs?

Aah cheers! My favourite part of gigging is engaging with the audience in between songs. I think it does help to tell a joke or 2 and don’t take it too serious or try to be “cool” in between songs. If I go to see someone play I love it when you get to know the person a little bit as well as listening to their music.

4. Some of your songs have quite personal and exposing lyrics. This is a fundamental necessity for a singer songwriter. Do you at times struggle, like everyone, with your wellness, and if so is there anything you do that helps you?

I’ve been spending a lot of time away from home for the past 2 years so I do get a little homesick from time to time. Also have my up days and my down days. Every time I do feel a little bit shit, I try think of three things that are positive like how lucky I am to be doing what I’m doing in music and I get to visit and play in places I would have only dreamt about when I was younger.

5. Your voice is your gift, what do you do to actively look after your health, especially your vocal health considering the intense touring schedule you are currently on?

The one thing I have learned over the years from gigging in pubs for so long is to not stress out about it. Worrying about “oh my voice is a little hoarse today” can turn into bigger things.  Your voice can’t always be in top form everyday so there will be times when you have to be on the radio at 6am in the morning and you sound a bit like a cat but it’s only human. I look after it by not shouting in pubs and staying away from drinking if anything is coming up that’s hectic. Also a lot of humming and other weird noises :)

6. You have quite a substantial teenage following that look up to you and see you as an inspiration and influence on them. This undoubtedly brings a sense of responsibility. Is there anything you could say to your fans when it comes to them dealing with their wellness?

Always talk to someone if you are feeling unwell. It lifts the weight off you, even just for a little while, and know that you won’t always feel that way. As someone who has had some rough patches, the best thing to do is surround yourself with good friends.

7. With a seriously tough touring diary, and with the added pressure of writing a record, what do you do to switch off in the evenings afters shows or the studio?

I go to the cinema a lot. Like a LOT. Love movies and cinema is a place I go when I get the time to chill :)

8. We sometimes get so caught up with reaching a destination that we forget to enjoy the journey. Do you ever stop for a second and recognise your fantastic achievements?

It can sometimes be hard to stop and take a look around but for me it has taken a long time to build a career and I stop every time I play a headline gig or something else mad and say “well this is pretty cool isn’t it”. Also being over in the states I recently played a gig with Sam Smith at Red Rocks, which had been on my bucket list forever.  That gig was crazy cool.

9. You are currently touring with Sam Smith, getting up in front of tens of thousands of people a night. How has that been?

The Sam Smith tour has been amazing. I couldn’t believe it when I got it. I’ve only been stateside a few times, once with the lads from Kodaline. Some of the venues we’ve played here have been a surreal experience.

10. What does the future hold for you?

I’m finishing up my album and it’ll be early new year. Heading back home for electric picnic and doing an Irish tour in December which I can’t wait for.

For more information on Gavin check him out on gavinjamesmusic.com

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Article by A Lust For Life - Irish Mental Health Charity
A multi-award winning movement that uses content, campaigns and events to facilitate young people to be effective guardians of their own mind - and to be the leaders that drive our society towards a better future.