The long road to pride


As the glitter settles on the proudest month of all, this video remind us why Pride is so important:  ‘The Long Road to Pride’.

As a nation, Ireland has come so far in the last 26 years: we decriminalised homosexuality in 1993, we were the first country globally to vote ‘Yes’ to marriage equality by popular vote, and now we have an openly gay head of state. Progress has come quickly, but there is still work left to do.

Of the 60,000 attendees at Dublin Pride 2018, less than 1% were over the age of 65. Despite their crucial role in the queer liberation movement, they are often forgotten and are more likely to have become disconnected from their community.

This year, Dublin Bus decided to honour them and give them the Pride they never had. On ‘The Long Road to Pride’ we get an emotional look at some of the struggles faced by the older LGBTQ+ generations. And we are reminded of just how important Pride is as a beacon for individuals, communities and nations who are yet to come as far.

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Article by A Lust For Life - Irish Mental Health Charity
A multi-award winning movement that uses content, campaigns and events to facilitate young people to be effective guardians of their own mind - and to be the leaders that drive our society towards a better future.