Comfort Zone: Vulnerability In An Age Of Oversharing An exhibition as part of First Fortnight 2020 – Invitation to submit work


Due to logistical reasons beyond our control, the Comfort Zone art exhibition will not run as part of the First Fortnight Festival. We will be rescheduling it to run later on in 2020 so please keep an eye on our website and social media for details of the future dates. Please do see for a full list of great events as part of their festival. Thank you for understanding and we look forward to seeing you on a later date in 2020!

“Shame derives its power from being unspeakable”, Brené Brown.

A Lust For Life is excited to invite artists to submit work for the upcoming group exhibition Comfort Zone: Vulnerability In An Age Of Oversharing, which will take place as part of First Fortnight Festival, 2020.

We live in an age of hyper-awareness of mental health issues. We’re all aware: yet somehow we remain isolated, unable to make the connections we need to create change. A barrier to creating a connection between two people is the fear of vulnerability. The fear, that, if I display my internal world, my authenticity, I will be forever exposed.

But when we see an expression of this shared internal world, and we witness our universal struggles laid bare; this builds strength and has the power to change the narrative that we are not as alone as we think we are. We can collectively embrace the fear surrounding vulnerability and dispel with the shame attached to it. We can use art when words fail.

Submission form link


Comfort Zone aims to navigate, discuss and re-frame how we see shame and vulnerability. It asks: if vulnerability is essential to human connection, can art provide an opening to a conversation that so many of us find difficult to have?


Artists should consider the following sub-themes when submitting work. Existing and new works will be accepted (see submission form for details).

  • The link between shame, inadequacy, regret and disconnection.
  • The fear attached to expressing feelings of shame and how people numb feelings of shame, leading to addiction, depression and eating disorders.
  • Sexual self-concept and shame.
  • The art of faux-vulnerability and over-sharing online.
  • The lack of empathy in online interactions, the death of nuance, and the disappearance of body language.
  • How art has been used in the past or will be used in the future to connect people.
  • Experiences of connection through expressions of vulnerability, with a focus on mental-health.
  • Art and its therapeutic benefits in addressing complex emotions in relation to the above sub-themes.

Further reading

  • Artists should be living Ireland.
  • Artist’s work should be (but not exclusively limited to): sculpture, paint, film, photography, drawing, performance, ceramics, textiles or new media.
  • All artists included in the exhibition will be paid a stipend of €70 to cover costs and travel.
  • Artists will have to organise delivery and collection of works. Delivery Deadline is 6PM 6th December.
  • The group exhibition will feature 20-30 artists.
  • A small selection of established artists will also be invited to present at Comfort Zone. 

Submission form link


Comfort Zone will take place at Creighton Gallery, 50 City Quay, Dublin 1.

This pop-up gallery is a riverside, freshly renovated building that covers 2250 sq ft over four floors and six rooms. Two 16ft x 16ft rooms are available for audio, video or performance installations.

Opening night Fri 3rd Jan, 7pm.
Tickets will be free of charge but limited availability.
This exhibition runs from Sat 4th January 2020 to Sun 19th January 2020
12pm to 3pm and 5pm to 8pm Monday to Friday.
12pm to 6pm Saturdays and Sundays.


This exhibition is curated by Jason Kearney.
Submissions will also be subject to a panel review from the team at A Lust for Life.
Submission deadline is 31st October, 2019.
Artists will be notified of inclusion 7th November, 2019.

Support Our Campaign

We rely on the generosity of the public to fund our work and so far together we have achieved great things! Please do continue to support us so we can provide future generations in Ireland with the resources to recognise and talk about their emotions, and equip them to navigate the ever-changing world around them as they grow


Article by A Lust For Life - Irish Mental Health Charity
A multi-award winning movement that uses content, campaigns and events to facilitate young people to be effective guardians of their own mind - and to be the leaders that drive our society towards a better future.