An open letter to Minister for Education


I completely disagree with the decision made regarding the Leaving cert.

Right now I think it’s unfair that 17 and 18 year-olds are meant to be immune to the anxiety and panic felt by the whole world at the moment. Many of us have loved ones or we ourselves are at risk of getting sick, some of us will lose our loved ones yet we are expected to just keep going as normal. Many of us don’t have classes now, no WiFi, we haven’t finished our courses and have to take care of younger siblings. Countries around the world have cancelled their exams and we haven’t why? Even the Olympics are cancelled! The uncertainty is cruel and very damaging for students well being. To drag it on this long is so unfair and clearly, students opinions aren’t valued enough. We are not being listened to, instead, we are told to study.

The leaving cert is already stressful without a global pandemic so our situation cannot be compared to other years. Postponing the Leaving Cert I think is very wrong as this year is endless as it is without adding months more. To say it’s unbearable is an understatement. Although there are more pressing issues such as people becoming unemployed this also adds to our stress as the people becoming unemployed are our parents! That is why I think predictive grades is the fairest solution and to say that Ireland is not equipped is untrue. It has been done before and happens every year!

I am very disappointed by how the majority of students are being ignored. The postponement was the least popular option according to the ISSU survey and as time goes on some who previously supported postponement are now for predictive grades. If exams go ahead in August we will have done a 12-month 6th year which is ludicrous. 6th year is commonly referred to as the most stressful year of your life and people always talk about Leaving Cert nightmares; how can it be expected of 17/18 year-olds to keep going this long while the world faces a global trauma? We should be allowed to spend time with our families, try and get through this together and grieve, without the added anxiety of the Leaving Cert.

As soon as the announcement was made all my friends were completely distraught, as was I. I have a twin sister so there is double the stress in my house. As well as this my brother is extremely at risk in regards to being critically ill if he gets Coronavirus and my Dad is a frontline health worker. It’s frankly too much to bear, the worry I have for my family is enough without the added pressure of the LC. It’s so frustrating because I’m a hard worker and have worked since 1st year but now I know I won’t reach my potential due to the mental strain this is having on me and the fact that we are not being taught! My hard work for the last six years means absolutely nothing which is unjust and heartbreaking. This is why I believe predictive grades is the only way to go for both the mental and physical health of students.

Help information

If you need help please talk to friends, family, a GP, therapist or one of the free confidential helpline services. For a full list of national mental health services see

  • Samaritans 116 123 or email
  • Pieta House National Suicide Helpline 1800 247 247 or email – (suicide prevention, self-harm, bereavement) or text HELP to 51444 (standard message rates apply)
  • Aware 1800 80 48 48 (depression, anxiety)

If living in Ireland you can find accredited therapists in your area here:

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Article by Ciara Gallagher
My name is Ciara Gallagher and I am from Monaghan. I’m a 6th year.