We’re amplifying our collective soundness, because we believe that most people are in fact sound. Soundness will conquer all!
We know that sometimes we can all be arseholes but if we added up every moment of arseiness and every moment of soundness throughout our lives, the chances are, the latter would far outweigh the former. If we were to believe everything we read, see, and hear in the media we would be forgiven for thinking we are all a shower of horrible feckers, hell-bent on the destruction of humanity but the reality is this is simply not true. Most of us humans are sound, we do sound things every single day and this is about amplifying that and creating a huge wave of sound that the whole world can feel! We’re sure you already do sound things every day, most of us do. Will you share these and be a part of something special?
How to share your #SoundEffect
Everything counts from the smallest deed to the grandest gesture. Share a video, photo or story across all social media using the #SoundEffect hashtag. Ideas…
- Something sound that you did for yourself
- Something sound you did for someone else, even a stranger
- The soundest thing someone has ever done for you
Check out our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter or watch our promo video here to get the sound juices flowing.
Yes we know there is a serious amount of absolute desperate stuff going on in the world right now. We’re not ignoring that. In fact, through our work at A Lust for Life we hear stories that would absolutely break your heart and we’re doing everything in our power to change the system so these stories become fewer and fewer. Yet, we believe magnifying waves of soundness can help create change in our world too. These waves can help break through the negativity, the fear that is so often amplified, which suffocates our collective humanity, our beauty, the good stuff that humans do for each other every single day. That’s what this is about. Share your #SoundEffect and be a part of this special movement. Help spread the love.

Finally, for those of you who may not know what ‘Sound’ means as it’s a slang word in Ireland…
Urban Slang Dictionary
To be sound: Irish slang. To be sound is a state of existence. It usually refers to someone who willingly does a favour, asked or not, although usually unexpected – Like when you ask for one chocolate biscuit and someone gives you two. Sound! It can be something really small or a grand gesture of soundness.
Also “sound” can be used as an adjective to describe a genuine, nice person. Someone who is decent, dead-on, cool, really kind, brilliant. “She’s sound” (a good person). “That was sound of him.” (He did something good/kind).