EP Friday @7pm ‘And Still We Rise’ – Irish Women’s Podcast in association with The Irish Times. Inside the hearts, minds and bodies of women in Ireland

The Irish Times Women’s Podcast

The Women’s Podcast in association with A Lust For Life/Pieta House at Electric Picnic 2017. Hosted by Kathy Sheridan, The Irish Times. Co-producers Roisin Ingle and Jennifer Ryan, The Irish Times and Kathy Scott, The Trailblazery

Panel includes; Eileen Flynn (Traveller Rights Activist), Sinéad Burke (Minnie Melange), Miriam O’Callaghan (Broadcaster), Ellie Kisyombe (Direct Provision Activist), Mari Kennedy (Facilitator + Coach)

What are the issues closest to the hearts, bodies and minds of women in Ireland today? Why are some of these issues kept under lock + key? What would it feel like to talk openly about the things that women feel most uncomfortable talking about?

And Still We Rise will delve into some of the key issues facing women in Ireland today – and how they affect the mental health of these same women on a daily basis: Sexuality; Body shaming; Being a mother, Not being a mother, Losing a child; Bodily autonomy; Drowning in 24/7 careers and the need to achieve…and many more.

How can women speak the truth of their reality and do a better job of minding themselves? How can we ensure women feel free to talk openly when these conversations are often culturally off-limits – and may engender fear of witch hunting or online trolling? How well does our society authentically listen to the needs and perspectives of women – and what solutions are needed to improve this? How can women claim personal power in a world that is becoming increasingly difficult to navigate? And finally, what is life-enhancing and good about being a woman in Ireland today?

Kathy Sheridan

Kathy Sheridan is a feature writer and columnist with The Irish Times and host of the award-winning Irish Times Women’s Podcast. She loves Twitter but regards it as the death of nuance. She has two daughters and lives in rural Co Kildare with her husband, three dogs, two donkeys and a cat. @kathysheridanIT

Eileen Flynn

My name is Eileen Flynn I am 27 years old from Ballyfermot, I am an Irish Traveller woman and I recently finished doing a BA in Community & Youth work in Maynooth University. I am currently a community development worker. I have been actively engaged in my community from a young age starting with my involvement in my local youth service and school.I am a natural leader which I have proven in my commitment to voluntary work in my own community and beyond.I have experienced inequality of access and opportunity throughout my life and have come through by learning that education is the key to success and change.My overall goal is to educate myself to master’s level and obtain a specialty in the area of gender inequality. I also enjoy supporting others to challenge inequality and travel alongside them on their journey to personal success. My long term goal is to someday be a TD in the Dail as a Traveller woman and to challenge the inequalities in Irish society for all communities that suffer marginalisation. My passion is people I don’t like to judge others as I am little crazy myself!!! I love life and I belief in live and let live.

Sinéad Burke

Sinéad Burke is a PhD candidate, primary school teacher and an advocate. Sinéad’s PhD research is correlated with the United Nation’s Convention on the Rights of the Child, with particular emphasis on the voice of the child within the primary school classroom. Sinéad employs social media and blogging to amplify minority voices, the personal narratives of ‘Extraordinary Women’ and as a tool for advocacy as a disabled woman. She is an ambassador for the Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, the Irish Girl Guides and a Leonardo at the Science Gallery in Dublin. Sinéad recently delivered a TED talk in NYC called ‘Why Design Should Include Everyone’.

Miriam O’Callaghan

Broadcaster Miriam O’Callaghan was born and raised in Dublin. She qualified as a solicitor before beginning her broadcasting career on ITV’s This is your Life. She joined the BBC as a producer in 1987, and went on to become a reporter on BBC2’s Newsnight. In the early ‘90s Miriam returned to Ireland to present RTÉ’s current affairs flagship programme Prime Time, while continuing to cover the Northern Irish peace processfor Newsnight. In June 2013, her Prime Time interview with Praveen Halappanavar, won the Television News Category of the Justice Media Awards. Outside of her work on Prime Time, Miriam presents her own chat show during the summer, Saturday Night with Miriam, and a radio programme Sundays with Miriam on RTÉ Radio 1.

Ellie Kisyombe

Ellie Kisyombe has been in in the asylum process in Ireland for eight years now. After being in this system for many years Ellie found a coping mechanism in becoming a campaigner and advocate for an end to Direct Provision. Ellie has spent the years volunteering with Irish Refugee Council working on the campaign to end Direct Provision and was a key participant in public outreach and awareness raising activities. Ellie is also a member and organiser with City of Sanctuary Dublin, a long-time member of the Clondalkin Towers Residents Committee and a regular media spokesperson relating to issues that affect Ireland’s asylum seeking and refugee community. Ellie founded the Rhoda Bosom Charity Foundation Trust, an organisation which raises money to provide essential infrastructure for rural villages in Malawi. This includes the building of a school, and the purchase of bicycle ambulances to transport women in labour and people experiencing medical emergencies to the nearest health centres. Ellie’s passion for social change also led to the co- founding of ‘Our Table’ with fellow activist and chef, Michelle Darmody in 2015. Our Table is a creative initiative that hopes to highlight the injustice and inhumanity of the Direct Provision system and the fact that asylum seekers are not allowed to cook for themselves within the system. Our Table’s menu is devised and cooked each day by people in Direct Provision, and will provide employment and training to people exiting the system, and the wider migrant community in Ireland. In January 2017 she was invited as a Guest of Darina Allen where she she did her 12 weeks Culinary course.

Mari Kennedy

Mari Kennedy is an Integral Facilitator, Leadership Development Coach, OD Consultant, Yoga Teacher and Inquirer who works in the area of personal and cultural change. Over a decade ago she left a busy work life as Project Coordinator for former President Mary McAleese to press pause and inquire into living a more deliberate life. As a coach and facilitator she works with individuals, teams and organisations who are committed to growth and development. She is passionate about the potential of reclaiming our humanness as a force for good in the world and in the workplaces of the future. Her clients include Microsoft Ireland, Chartered Accountants Ireland, Catalyst Inc, Theatre Club, Prime Cut Productions and Nine Crows. In her private coaching practice, she works exclusively with women to activate and support their potential. Her creative projects include Census of the Heart and the ireland:iceland project.

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We rely on the generosity of the public to fund our work and so far together we have achieved great things! Please do continue to support us so we can provide future generations in Ireland with the resources to recognise and talk about their emotions, and equip them to navigate the ever-changing world around them as they grow


Article by A Lust For Life - Irish Mental Health Charity
A multi-award winning movement that uses content, campaigns and events to facilitate young people to be effective guardians of their own mind - and to be the leaders that drive our society towards a better future.