The Little Book of Sound
A pocket guide designed to share ideas on how to use ‘being sound’ to help our minds and our society – and a little on the science that supports why it’s so important!
To be sound: Irish slang. To be sound is a state of existence. It usually refers to someone who willingly does a favour, asked or not, although usually unexpected – Like when you ask for one chocolate biscuit and someone gives you two. Sound! It can be something really small or a grand gesture of soundness. Also “sound” can be used as an adjective to describe a genuine, nice person. Someone who is decent, dead-on, cool, really kind, brilliant. “She’s sound” (a good person). “That was sound of him.” (He did something good/kind).
The origins of The Little Book of Sound come from August 2017’s phenomenally successful #SoundEffect campaign run by A Lust for Life and Pieta House, which simply asked the nation to share acts of soundness, however small. The campaign was based on a core belief that people are fundamentally sound, a message that often gets lost in modern society. The vision was to create a wave of positivity using #SoundEffect as a fulcrum for the human stories, actions and gestures that amplify the collective soundness of our nation. It also began a journey of education – helping people to understand why being sound matters.
The Little Book of Sound takes it one step further, encouraging people to be sound to themselves as well as others. It includes a little bit of the science supporting how being sound to others and to ourselves has a huge positive impact on our mind, bodies and the world around us.
Grab a copy of The Little Book of Sound for you or as a gift for someone you love – the perfect sound act.

Sample from The Little Book of Sound:
If we were to believe everything we read, see and hear in the media we would be forgiven for thinking we are all a shower of horrible feckers – but the reality is this is simply not true. It’s fake news. Most people are sound – and being sound pays off.
But in order to be sound to others we must recognize the need to be sound ourselves. For whatever reason, sometimes many of us can be incredibly hard with ourselves. We can expect so much, trying to live up to what others want us to be or what we believe we should be. If you stop and think about this for even a second, it is easy to observe how this pressure can create an unsettled mind.
So, what is the alternative? How about practicing self-compassion? This doesn’t mean you have to walk around every five minutes high-fiving yourself or attempt to shift a mirror every time you pass one – but the more compassion we can show for ourselves the more empathy we can show to others.
And guess what? Studies in psychology and neuroscience are confirming that there’s real science to support how being sound to others and to ourselves has a huge positive impact on our mind and bodies.