Discovering the true me in Eating Disorder
Reclaiming your story through your shadow
Navigating student life with an anxiety disorder
Undiagnosed autism – a letter to my younger self
Why i talk about mental health
Opening the front door: Overcoming agoraphobia and severe anxiety
Grappling with medication and inconsistency in the mental health services
You are never alone, no matter how lonely you feel
My journey with an eating disorder
Important things I’ve learnt since I recovered from bulimia
Alcohol – A sticking plaster on a broken leg
Reflections of being in therapy for a year
Learning i’m worth getting help
Coming full circle with mental health
How writing saved my life, a journey
Don’t they say you have to make it by 30?
Living with panic attacks: Difficult, yet possible
Creating a world where women can feel angry and men can cry
Successfully living with schizoaffective disorder
Finding my calling in introversion
A personal path to moments of Micro-Patience
After the Pandemic cracked & bruised but not broken
The panic attack that changed my life
My journey from grief to finding myself
The not-so-age-old question: What does a panic attack feel like?
Dealing with mental health while recovering from physical trauma
Breaking up with social media, for a better relationship with myself
The beautiful benefit of accepting our suffering
Is it ok not to be okay? – Society’s Last Taboo
But you are such a confident person! How could you have panic attacks?
My mind is a colourful wasteland, where a wildflower has grown – Part four
My mind is a colourful wasteland, where a wildflower has grown – Part three
My mind is a colourful wasteland, where a wildflower has grown – Part two
Mind matters: New Year’s Resolution – I’m going to be less stressed
My mind is a colourful wasteland, where a wildflower has grown – Part one
Resolve to love yourself, to practice simple self-care and slow down
Taking Pen In Hand: Writing and Seeking Solace
Toxic comments and my New Years Buzz
A personal account of surviving the break
How I learned to stop being socially anxious and love my life without alcohol
Sober living as a twenty-something-year-old
The truth: A trainee psychologist perspective on mental health
How I Tackled a Body-Focused Repetitive Behavior and How You Can Too
Speaking out for my dad and brother
I had a choice to take my own life
Eliminating the negative stigma associated with anti-depressants
OCD comes of age: My wrestle with the beast
An Open Letter to My Brain: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Is Just a Tumour
Love may be the greatest drug of all
Discovering Peace within with Transcendental Meditation
Minority Mental Health Awareness in Ireland
Grief is just love with nowhere to go
Is the best way to deal with your past, or should you just take a leap?