Kindness Matters

Kindness rocks

Kindness rocks

2020 has been the year of Kindness. So much has been thrown at us but through it all we’ve found the simple acts of kindness are what matter most. #kindnessmatters has become part of our daily vocabulary
What’s on during mental health awareness week

What’s on during mental health awareness week

The Workplace Wellbeing Ireland webinar in partnership with Irish Life Health and AJ Products today with Professor Niall Moyna
Watch: Kindness in motion. A playlist of random acts of kindness

Watch: Kindness in motion. A playlist of random acts of kindness

We believe in the power of sound. We know that by introducing kindness into your daily life, it will help you and others around you feel better
Turn up the sound: kindness podcasts playlist

Turn up the sound: kindness podcasts playlist

To help you turn up the sound, be sounder to yourself and sounder to others, we’ve curated this great playlist of kindness podcasts
Lifting someone’s day with a random act of kindness

Lifting someone’s day with a random act of kindness

I recently walked up to the counter of my local coffee shop and the barista was beaming. She handed me a note which said: “thank you for earlier Brian, this one’s on me.”
The benefits and practices of Mindful Self Compassion and Loving Kindness

The benefits and practices of Mindful Self Compassion and Loving Kindness

When we start to practice mindfulness and notice where the mind is going, we can be surprised to hear how harsh our inner critic can be
Why random acts of kindness are important now more than ever

Why random acts of kindness are important now more than ever

I’ve always thought that random acts of kindness are important. They may not be monumental or change the world but are significant in their own way
Boost your happiness with acts of kindness

Boost your happiness with acts of kindness

Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, announced that together with his wife, he would give away 99% of his shares to create a fund to make the world a better place for their newly born daughter, Mia
Kindness makes for good business

Kindness makes for good business

I wasn't quite sure how to start this. I sit here in my office thinking back to where this journey began. I'm thinking to myself, “How much should I share? Should I really tell the world my inner most thoughts?”
A Lust For Life | Mental Health Charity Ireland
A Lust for Life does not provide crisis support, so if you or someone you are concerned about is in crisis and needs help urgently, please contact:
Pieta House
1800 247 247
116 123 (ROI & UK)
1800 666666
A Lust For Life | Mental Health Charity Ireland
A Lust for Life does not provide crisis support, so if you or someone you are concerned about is in crisis and needs help urgently, please contact
Pieta House
1800 247 247
116 123 (ROI & UK)
1800 666666
Howaya! We hope you’re enjoying A Lust for Life.
While you are here… can we ask you a favour?
We know, pop ups are absolutely no craic. But seeing as you are here anyway, which means you must be a sound head, we thought we’d tap you on the shoulder and ask for your help.
Make a one-time or regular donation
We rely on the generosity of the public to fund our work and so far together we have achieved great things! Please do continue to support us so we can provide future generations in Ireland with the resources to recognise and talk about their emotions, and equip them to navigate the ever-changing world around them as they grow.
Howaya! We hope you’re enjoying A Lust for Life. While you are here… can we ask you a favour?
We know, we know, pop ups are absolutely no craic. But seeing as you are here anyway, which means you must be a sound head, we thought we’d tap you on the shoulder and ask for your help
We rely on the generosity of the public to fund our work and so far together we have achieved great things! Please do continue to support us so we can provide future generations in Ireland with the resources to recognise and talk about their emotions, and equip them to navigate the ever-changing world around them as they grow
Make a one-time or regular donation