What I love about not drinking

  1. NO MORE HANGOVERS: No more wasted days sitting on the couch too afraid to move or face the world. No fear, no anxiety, no depression. Saturdays and Sundays free to enjoy as I please.
  2. MORE CONFIDENCE: Social occasions used to terrify me. That is why I drank alcohol. When I stopped drinking I developed my own natural confidence in social situations. This took a little time but now I can be myself at any social event and know I don’t need a drink to relax.
  3. HAPPIER: There is no comparison to myself now and when I was a drinker. When drinking I was confused, tired, unhealthy, distant, anxious, nervous, and unsettled in myself.  Now I am at ease within myself and have found my own true self hidden underneath some limiting beliefs. I had to remove the alcohol (plaster) first so I could heal the wounds.
  4. THE FREEDOM:  I am not tied to having to organise drinks, or lifts, or plan the day after, or how I’m going to get home, or what I’m going to drink or not drink. Life is so much easier being a non-drinker. It is simpler and effortless.
  5. THE HONESTY: I am myself. Take it or leave it. I am not fitting in just to fit in. I am no longer pretending to be someone I am not.
  6. THE RELIEF:  It is such an incredible relief to be free of alcohol.
  7. THE FASCINATION: People are fascinated by non-drinkers, they are also curious, suspicious and a little nervous of this strange species. I just hope I help show others that there is another way to live a happier life free from alcohol. It is just a positive lifestyle change with no downsides.
  8. THE MONEY: I have so much more money. I would probably have spent approx. 300 euro a month on drinking and going out. Now that is all mine to spend on things I want and really enjoy. It is win win.
  9. BEING MYSELF:  I started drinking at 16, I stopped at 30. For all those years I was never myself. I was lost. I was lying to myself and the world around me. Now I am much more comfortable in my own skin. I could not have done this without first removing alcohol from my life.
  10. IMPROVED LOVE LIFE: Really!  What was before a drunken mess is now somewhat more stable and realistic. Good relationships are not built around drunken nights but best to develop in a much more natural way.
  11. THE PEACE:  So much peace and quiet. The joy of just relaxing on a Friday evening with tea and chocolate knowing I have a full weekend to enjoy without wasting any of it drinking.
  12. HELPING OTHERSset themselves free. No greater satisfaction than seeing someone turn their life around and become a happier healthier person.
  13. NO DRAMA: No rows, no blackouts, no regrets, no shame, no guilt, no self-recrimination. Easy living.
  14. HEALTHIER AND HAPPIER: I am healthier, I look younger and feel better. I am no longer overweight, I feel energetic and vibrant. This boosts my self- esteem and confidence. I have the energy and enthusiasm to live the life I want.
  15. THE JOY: Pure and utter joy of being free of that way of life. I am so grateful it’s over.
How to become a happier non-drinker

1. Read all about it:

  • Allen Carr’s – The Easyway to Control Alcohol
  • Jason Vale’s – Kick the Drink Easily
  • Wasted – by Brian O Connell
  • A million little pieces – James Frey
  • Adult children of alcoholics Dr. Janet Woititz
  • Co-dependency no more – Betty J Eadie and lots more

2. Change your mind: Often the reason we drink is to cover up our own limiting beliefs or manage our negative emotions, shame, guilt, or low self-esteem.  Now there are so many other ways to manage our emotions in an effective and positive way.

CBT – NLP – Byron Katie’s ‘The Work’ – Exercise – Sport – Music – Hobbies – Yoga – Meditation – Therapy – 12 Steps – AA – Talking to someone – whatever works for you .

3. Know that you can: It is possible. Remove the booze then remove the limiting beliefs that are holding you back from living your life to the full.

You can set yourself free.

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Article by John McKiernan
A writer living in Wicklow. He, like most, began drinking at an early age. It took until his thirties before he realised he didn’t want to drink any more. After 15 years of drinking John took the road less travelled and said goodbye to the port and brandy as it were. It was the single best decision he ever made. John would love to help others find freedom. John is currently working on his first book ‘Feck Drink - An Irishman’s Guide to Alcohol’.