Setting habits for a positive daily routine


You wake up early in the morning, take a shower, have breakfast, go to work, university, or whatever it is that you do, come back home, and go to bed. Sometimes you watch TV, read books, meet your friends for dinner and go on vacations. It may seem really frustrating at times to switch things up and change your life to make every day a little brighter. You don’t need a lot of time or money for that, a strong desire is enough.

Below you can see 10 simple and effective ways to improve your everyday life and make it more enjoyable.

1. Start waking up earlier

Morning hours are the most productive for the majority of people. It’s proven that people who wake up early in the morning manage to do more during the day, have more energy on the daily basis and feel better overall. What’s also good is that waking up early will help you fall asleep faster and sleep like a baby.

2. Always have breakfast

Yes, you’ve heard it a million times. People who do not have breakfast do not have enough energy to spend the first part of the day effectively. However, your breakfast should not include only a cup of coffee. Caffeine can make you more irritable and cause anxiety. Regular healthy breakfasts can help you become more productive, get healthier and feel better.

3. Drink more water

Since humans are on average 60% water, consuming fresh, clear water can help you stay hydrated and makes your digestive system work better. Doctors suggest you drink at least 8 glasses of water daily. If you’re not a fan of clear water, you can add a slice of lemon or some mint leaves − they make simple water taste so much better. Start with 2-3 glasses per day and increase this number up to 8. After a couple of weeks of drinking water every day, you will notice positive changes in your skin, your body, and overall health.

4. Switch up your working hours

Do you know what your most productive hours are? Some people are more efficient in the morning, while other people work better in the afternoon or evening. Try to change up your schedule: perhaps, your current routine is making you less efficient than you could be. Explore other ways of managing your day and discover what works best and makes you happier.

5. Learn to manage your time

Your everyday consists of the same actions only because you might think you have no time to add something new to it. Stop for a second and think about what you can change in order to be more effective and to enjoy your life more. What things are taking up a lot of your time? Your time is precious, so don’t waste it on things that don’t serve you well. Have a think about what you could drop, and what you want to invest more time in. Don’t worry though, with proper time management you can always find a couple of hours for your hobbies, or doing more of what lights you up.

6. Use the stairs

Lack of movement is not good. Us humans are not designed to be sitting all day long. Our bodies suffer from irregular movement; we all start to feel pain in muscles we never thought existed, and as a result of not moving enough, we start gaining weight and having stiff shoulders and neck pain. Using stairs instead of an elevator is an easy and effective way to add some movement to your life. You also receive an additional cardio boost: when you move up the stairs, your heart starts to beat faster. Using the sairs is just one example. If you live a mostly sedentary life, look for ways to move more, every day.

7. Eat healthy food

Junk food is delicious, there’s no doubt to that. It’s definitely easier to order take out than cook yourself, but the difference is there’s nothing better than cooking your own food at home since you know exactly how much salt you put in, and what kind of foods you’re using. You will consume less ‘bad’ fats and more elements that keep a proper level of energy up, help you stay productive and feel better. Find some new healthy recipes that work for you. Mix it up and have fun with it.

8. Practice yoga

You do not need to spend hours on the yoga mat if you do not have this time. It is enough to practice 10-15 minutes per day to enjoy the benefits of it. You can find short videos online which incorporate the most effective asanas, or you can practice by yourself. If you want to receive a double effect, use breathing techniques during your practice. In this way, you will be able to relax your body and calm down your mind.

9. Listen to music

Classical music has a curable effect on the nervous system. Turn on Mozart or Beethoven concerts and enjoy the sounds of violin or piano for at least 10 minutes. Scientists believe that listening to classical music increases the cognitive functions of a person, helps with concentration and even makes a person more creative. If classical music isn’t your thing, you know what works for you. Get those tunes on.

10. Create daily affirmations

Words have power. Perhaps, you have noticed that when you repeat something regularly, you start to believe in these words. Use this experience: create affirmations and repeat them every day. Your affirmation should be related to different spheres. For example, you can repeat the words of gratitude to the world, to yourself, and to the people who surround you.

Everyone can make their life better. We don’t have to make dramatic changes to feel better. Try out at least several ideas from this list, and the changes will come soon. Add new ways to enhance your life and brighten up your daily routine. You deserve it.

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Article by Kevin McNamara
I'm a content writer and blogger. I like sharing my thoughts with people through words. My blog is and you can find me on Twitter via @kevinmcnamara00.