The Positive Habit – 3 lucky readers can gain free access to this powerful self-help programme


Calling all “A Lust for Life” readers!

Three lucky “A Lust for Life” readers can gain free access to this powerful self-help programme.

Email your story to and explain why you think you need the Positive Habit in your life. The three people that Fiona Brennan believes the programme will benefit the most will be given free access to the programme. To hear Brennan talking about the programme on The Breakfast Republic on 2FM, you can click on this link here.

So what is the Positive Habit? “The Positive Habit”, devised by Clinical Hypnotherapist, Fiona Brennan is a six week work-out for your mental health. This self-help digital programme is designed for the person on the go as it is user friendly, interactive, beautifully visual and accessible on all devices so that you can bring the habit of positivity with you no matter where you are.

It will teach you to cultivate the most important habit of your life – Positivity.

Why would you do this programme? If you want to get fit, stop smoking, improve your diet, let go of unwanted negativity or anxiety, have closer relationships or perform better at work then this programme will help you to do just that.   When you have established the positive habit you are much more likely to make healthier choices and to gain the confidence to perform at your optimum level.

How does it work? The programme is based on the Positive Psychology movement and cutting edge neuroscience* and enables you to develop a positive mind-set that will help you to achieve whatever you desire without pressure and from a place of inner calm. The course literally re-wires your brain through a process known as neuroplasticity.* Simply put, you can change your automatic neural pathways to serve you more positively. You will follow a learning pathway each week, watch tutorial videos, carry out simple exercises and listen to the corresponding self-hypnosis MP3 which works on a subconscious level. The Positive Habit is an empowering and highly practical guide that puts you in charge of your well-being and teaches you to become the master of your own mind.

How will you know if the programme is working? Progress is monitored closely with the Positive Feelings Survey that you complete at the start of the course and at the end of each of the six pathways.

The six positive pathways are:

  1. Discovery: Discover your positive potential and learn how to self-regulate emotions.
  2. Love: Learn to love yourself and build your self-confidence.
  3. Care: Develop a self-care programme where you make healthy choices.
  4. Happiness: Set happiness as your default setting and embrace joy every day.
  5. Compassion: How to live in peace with yourself and others around you.
  6. Success: Achieve your personal and professional goals without pressure.

You will also:

  • See the positive in every situation, even stressful and challenging ones.
  • Use practical techniques to deal with stress and negative thinking.
  • Enjoy peaceful harmonious relationships with those you love.

According to Brennan, “When many of us were growing up, the general consensus regarding brain development was that your brain was programmed at childhood and further development in adulthood simply did not happen. So if you believe you are a born worrier or have always suffered with anxiety, the accepted belief was that there was nothing that could be done to change this. However, more recently, scientific evidence shows us that we can in fact re-wire our brains, alter our thoughts, perceptions and experiences, and change a negative mind-set into a positive one. I am fortunate enough to see this in my clinic every day.”

The programme will be available to the public:

From: Monday May 30th 2016
Price: Pre- Register for the introductory price of €49.95 before May 30th. Full price from May 30th is €69.95 when the product will be released.

The Positive Habit empowers you to reach your full potential, to find your unique path and purpose, to share positive energy with those whom you love and above all, to live a peaceful existence.

* The Positive Habit is based on cutting edge neuroscientific research that demonstrates that the brain can be trained through the power of imagination and thought; it is flexible and malleable. This concept is called neuroplasticity.

Neuroplasticity is defined as the ability of the nervous system to respond to extrinsic or intrinsic stimuli by a reorganization of its function, structure, or connections. It has a significant functional, but also a therapeutic, role across brain diseases, as well as in health. It can be experience-driven, is time-sensitive, and it is influenced by the environment and internal states, such as motivation and attention.

Improving the Potential of Neuroplasticity, The Journal of Neuroscience, 25 April 2012
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Article by Fiona Brennan
Fiona Brennan is a Clinical Hypnotherapist with a booked out clinic in Dublin. Every day she has the honour of helping people who are struggling with anxiety, stress and their sense of self-worth. She is a TEDx Mindfulness, and NLP practitioner, Mental Health expert on Today FM, the Dermot & Dave show. Building on her success, in 2016 she launched her online, five-star rated, hypnotherapy program which now helps people all over the world. Her first book is the best-selling 'The Positive Habit' is published by Ireland's leading non-fiction publishers Gill Books. Fiona is currently writing her second book, which is all about Love and it will be published early next year. For more information visit